Apache Traffic Server Traffic Server is a high-performance building block for cloud services. It's more than just a caching proxy server; it also has support for plugins to build large scale web applications. 1. DIRECTORY STRUCTURE traffic/ ............... top src dir |-- doc/ ............... generated documentation |-- example/ ........... example plugins |-- install/ ........... installation programs and scripts |-- iocore/ ............ IO core |-- libinktomi++/ ...... base library |-- librecords/ ........ library for config files |-- m4/ ................ custom macros for configure.ac |-- proxy/ ............. HTTP proxy logic |-- test/ .............. functional tests |-- .indent.pro ........ indent profile for coding style |-- emacs-style ........ emacs style definition |-- README ............. intro, links, build info |-- README-EC2 ......... info on EC2 support |-- README.libev ....... instructions to build with 'libev' |-- REVIEWERS .......... (incomplete) list of areas with committer interest |-- LICENSE ............ full license text |-- NOTICE ............. copyright notices |-- configure.ac ....... autoconf configuration `-- Makefile.am ........ top level automake configuration 2. REQUIREMENTS This section outlines different OS distributions Fedora 11,12: autoconf automake libtool gcc-c++ glibc-devel openssl-devel tcl-devel expat-devel sqlite-devel (or optionally, db4-devel) pcre Fedora 8 EC2 (Kernel: You must either upgrade sqlite to >= 3.5 or use db4-devel. We recommend that you when dealing with EC2 FC8 to just use db4-devel. FC8 on EC2 requires unique configure declarations, please see that section below. NOTE: Alternately you may use the install scripts in 'contrib' which automate this or use the pre-built public Fedora Core 8 EC2 AMI with ATS installed. Both of which are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. See 'README-EC2' for further details. Install these packages: autoconf automake libtool gcc-c++ glibc-devel openssl-devel tcl-devel expat-devel db4-devel pcre Ubuntu 8.04,8.10,9.10: autoconf automake libtool g++ libssl-dev tcl-dev expat libexpat-dev libsqlite3-dev (or optionally, libdb-dev) libpcre3-dev Ubuntu EC2 9.10: NOTE: Alternately you may use the install scripts in 'contrib' which automate this or use the pre-built public Ubuntu EC2 AMI with ATS installed. Both of which are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. See 'README-EC2' for further details. Install these packages: autoconf automake libtool g++ libssl-dev tcl-dev expat libexpat-dev libsqlite3-dev (or optionally, libdb-dev) libpcre3-dev FreeBSD 7.2,8.0: GCC 4.2.1 compiler suite autoconf automake libtool tcl expat openssl pcre sqlite3 (or optionally, db4) OpenSolaris osol0906: GCC 4.3.2 compiler suite (dev collection) autoconf automake libtool tcl expat openssl pcre sqlite3 (or optionally, db4) OSX 10.5: GCC 4.2.4 compiler suite (ports collection) autoconf automake libtool tcl expat openssl pcre sqlite3 (or optionally, db4) For using sqlite3, we only support v3.5 or later (basically, we require the v2 APIs). 3. BUILDING FROM SVN REPO mkdir -p ~/dev # make yourself a development dir cd ~/dev # enter your development dir svn checkout ... # get the source code from ASF Subversion repo cd traffic # enter the checkout dir autoreconf -i # generate the configure script and Makefile.in files ./configure # configure the build environment to create Makfiles make # execute the compile 3b. Instructions for building on EC2 NOTE: Alternately you may use the scripts under 'contrib' which will automate the install for trafficserver under EC2 which is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. See 'README-EC2' for further details. # As root do the following when using Ubuntu mkdir -p /mnt #EC2 Storage Mount, where storage is located cd /mnt svn checkout ... # get the source code from ASF Subversion repo cd traffic # enter the checkout dir autoreconf -i --force # generate the configure script and Makefile.in files ./configure make # As root do the following when using Fedora Core 8 kernel mkdir -p /mnt #EC2 Storage Mount, where storage is located cd /mnt svn checkout ... # get the source code from ASF Subversion repo cd traffic # enter the checkout dir autoreconf -i --force # generate the configure script and Makefile.in files ./configure --without-sqlite3 --with-libdb --disable-eventfd make 4. INSTALLATION DEFAULT DIR CONTENTS /usr/local/var/log/trafficserver log files created at runtime /usr/local/var/trafficserver runtime files /usr/local/etc/trafficserver configuration files /usr/local/bin executable binaries /usr/local/libexec/trafficserver plugins 5. CRYPTO NOTICE This distribution includes cryptographic software. The country in which you currently reside may have restrictions on the import, possession, use, and/or re-export to another country, of encryption software. BEFORE using any encryption software, please check your country's laws, regulations and policies concerning the import, possession, or use, and re-export of encryption software, to see if this is permitted. See for more information. The U.S. Government Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS), has classified this software as Export Commodity Control Number (ECCN) 5D002.C.1, which includes information security software using or performing cryptographic functions with asymmetric algorithms. The form and manner of this Apache Software Foundation distribution makes it eligible for export under the License Exception ENC Technology Software Unrestricted (TSU) exception (see the BIS Export Administration Regulations, Section 740.13) for both object code and source code. The following provides more details on the included cryptographic software: The functionality of OpenSSL is utilized in parts of the software. 6. ADDITIONAL INFO Web page: http://trafficserver.apache.org/ Wiki: http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/TS/ User mailing list: users@trafficserver.apache.org