DEFT stands for Distributed Extensible Framework (for) Testing. DEFT provides the ability to run test scripts written in perl, automatically install test packages on remote machines, manage the test processes on both local and remote machines and analyze the results.
Note: cachedev, npdev, tsdev, proxydev, lindev, lundev & dicer have already been setup. If you are using one of these machines, you can skip ahead to "Using the Framework"
Packages and setup work needed install the framework:
SSH is required to use remote nodes. The process manager for the testing system is pushed out and started using ssh. Installing and configuring ssh is the most difficult part of preparing the machines. Authenication by rsa keys must set up for the system to work. The standard package is OpenSSH which is available at .
After installing ssh on the machine, you need use the ssh-keygen on the machine you plan to start the tests from to generate an rsa key. The key will be put into ~/.ssh/ Copy the to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on your remote machines. SSH is picky about the permissions of the your home directory, the .ssh directory and the authorized_keys file so make sure all writable only the user and not group or world. To test your key setup, trying ssh'ing to all the remote hosts. ssh -v useful for finding out why key based authentication failed.
bash is used for both local and remote tests and ideally installed as /bin/bash or /usr/bin/bash.
/inktest is the default location used for files and package installations during a test run. Symlink /inktest to a location with some space available and make sure the directory it is symlinked to is writable by the userid you will be running the test as. For shared machines, it's easiest to set the directory to 777 permissions.
perl needs to be installed in /inktest/dist. It's best to use the same build as is used to link against the interpretor in the test framework to prevent weird problems. Tar'ed distributions compiled for /inktest/dist are available
The easiest and quickest way to use the framework is straight out
of the traffic_server source tree in the mainline. If you have a
recent checkout, you already have the source code since it's been
added to the testing module. If your checkout is crufty, you'll need
to "cvs update -d test" (from the traffic/ dircectory) and then
reconfigure your build area. On Solaris, you need to have run configure
with --with-gcc
to build the framework.
In your build area, enter test sub directory and gmake. After the gmake completes, then gmake install. The install will create a traffic/deft-install directory which contains the components for testing. The reason that deft-install directory is outside of your build area is to support running tests across multiple platforms.
Now cd upto traffic/deft-install. The two most important options for starting a test are picking the base port and knowing what test script to you want to run. With the base port, you want a range of 100 ports that aren't being used by anyone else on the box. For a our first example test, we'll run systest.
When firing up a test we need to let the testing system know where our traffic_server is located. If our traffic_server is in our build tree, we can just specify the build dir, for example sun_dbg . If the traffic_server we want to test resides outside of our build tree, we need to provide the absolute path.
In either case, the directory that the Traffic Server install resides in (not the bin directory itself but the directory that contains the bin, config and logs subdirectories) must have in it. If you are using TS from a build area with a recent mainline checkout, the gmake install for setting up traffic_server already placed the file. If you are using TS installed from a customer package, or an earlier code branch, or you haven't updated your mainline tree recently, you need to manually copy from the traffic/proxy directory of a recent mainline checkout into your Traffic Server directory.
There's a script for starting up test process called The first argument is the location of traffic_server and the remaining arguments are passed to the test_exec binary. Assuming our port range starts at 15400, we'd use:
./ sun_dbg -p 15400 -s
to fire up our example test. If you want to see the test log as
the test is being run, append -v
to fire up a window
based view of the log file. Once we start this process, we
should see output that resembles the following:
[Feb 4 17:53:29.273] STATUS: test_exec v$Revision: 1.25 $ running [Feb 4 17:53:29.276] STATUS: Running test script [Feb 4 17:53:29.294] STATUS: Starting proc_manager on localhost Waiting for syntest1 to exit
Once the test completes, all the output from the test components will be passed to the test parser which will tell us how many warnings and errors the test generated. Here's some example output:
error: [Mon Feb 4 17:53:47.048 syntest1 stdout] ----- Test Tests/Bad-Servers/bad-server.cfg (bad-server.cfg, server doesn't send back any headers) ----- failed error: [Mon Feb 4 17:54:27.324 syntest1 stdout] ----- Test Tests/Cache-Drop/2_2.cfg (test cache drop time, second request) ----- failed error: [Mon Feb 4 17:55:55.141 syntest1 stdout] ----- Test Tests/Via-Loop/vialoop.cfg (test of self-loop checking) ----- failed error: [Mon Feb 4 17:57:19.466 syntest1 stdout] ----- Test Tests/ (4c_2.cfg, client empty, TS stale, second (another) client request, server sends back 500) ----- failed error: [Mon Feb 4 17:57:21.191 syntest1 stdout] ----- Test Tests/ImagesTest/2.cfg (Test Image file, Second Request.) ----- failed warning: [Mon Feb 4 17:57:21.202 proc_manager Warning] Child process syntest1 (pid 18723) terminated abnormally with status 90 #### 5 Errors; 1 Warnings ####
All the files for a particular test run are located under the
"stuff_path" which is set by the -d
option. The
default is /inktest.
To prevent tests from running
into each other, a sub directory is made by concatinating the username
running test and a uniquer string (which is set by the -u
option and defaults to -0
. Under that subdirectory,
you'll find a run
sub directory containing further
subdiretories with instance names. If you are looking for a core
file, it will be under the run/<instance_name>
subdirectory unless your test process use chdir
call. On the machine you started up the test on, your log file is at
The next step is to look at the anatomy of a test script and learn how to write new tests.
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