<@include /include/header.ink> <@include /configure/c_header.ink>
> >
<@include /configure/c_buttons.ink> <@submit_error_msg> <@select ftp_snapshot>
Snapshots allow you to save and restore <@record proxy.config.product_name> configurations. <@record proxy.config.product_name> stores snapshots on the node in which they were taken. However, snapshots are restored to all nodes in the cluster.
List Available Snapshots on the FTP Server
Login Information
<@submit_error_flg FTPServerNameError>FTP Server
  • Specifies the FTP server name.
<@submit_error_flg FTPUserNameError>Login
  • Specifies the FTP server user name to login as.
<@submit_error_flg FTPPasswordError>Password
  • Specifies the password for the above user name.
<@submit_error_flg FTPRemoteDirError>Remote Directory      
  • Specifies the remote directory where the snapshots are located.
<@include /configure/c_buttons.ink> <@include /configure/c_footer.ink>
<@include /include/footer.ink>