.\" Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one .\" .\" or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file .\" .\" distributed with this work for additional information .\" .\" regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file .\" .\" to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the .\" .\" "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance .\" .\" with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at .\" .\" .\" .\" http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .\" .\" .\" .\" Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software .\" .\" distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, .\" .\" WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. .\" .\" See the License for the specific language governing permissions and .\" .\" limitations under the License. .\" .TH "config:logging" .SH NAME config:logging \- Enables and configures logging parameters. .SH SYNOPSIS config:logging [options] .SH DESCRIPTION Use the config:logging command to enable and configure logging. Use the config:logging command to specify format, type, storage, splitting, rolling, and other parameters. When you execute the config:logging command, you must use one of the options described below. .SH OPTIONS The following options are supported for the config:logging command: .SS "event " Enables and disables event logging. Type trans-only to log only transactions. Type error-only to log only errors. Type enabled to enable full logging that includes errors and transactions. Type disabled to disable logging completely. (The default value is enabled.) .SS "mgmt-directory " Specifies the full path to the logging directory. (The default is /home/inktomi/5.0.0/logs.) .SS "space-limit " Specifies the amount of space allocated to the logging directory in MB. (The default value is 2000MB.) .SS "space-headroom " Specifies the tolerance for the log space limit.(The default value is 10MB.) .SS "collation-status " Specifies the log collation mode. Type inactive to disable collation. Type host to specify the local host as a collation server. Type send-standard to specify the local host as collation client that sends entries using standard formats to the collation server. Type send-custom to specify this host as a collation client that sends entries using the traditional custom formats to the collation server. Type send-all to specify this host as a collation client that sends entries that use both the standard and traditional custom formats to the collation server. (The default value is inactive.) .SS "collation-host " Specifies the hostname of the log collation server. (The default value is NULL.) .SS "collation secret tagged orphan-limit " Specifies the password used to validate logging data and prevent the exchange of unauthorized information when a collation server is being used. (The default value is foobar.) Specifies the tagged option in log entry. When enabled (on), configures Traffic Server to include the hostname of the collation client that generated the log entry in each entry. (The default value is off.) Specifies the storage limit for orphan files in MB. (The default value is 25.) .SS "format type file header
" Specifies which logging formats you want on/off. Also specifies the log file type (ASCII or binary), file name, and header text. The default log file format (on) is the Squid format. The default values for all formats are as follows: .PP .nf Squid Format ----------------------------- on File Type ------------------------------ ASCII File Name ------------------------------ squid File Header ---------------------------- NULL Netscape Common -------------------------- off File Type ------------------------------ ASCII File Name ------------------------------ common File Header ---------------------------- NULL Netscape Extended ------------------------ off File Type ------------------------------ ASCII File Name ------------------------------ extended File Header ---------------------------- NULL Netscape Extended2 ----------------------- off File Type ------------------------------ ASCII File Name ---------------------------- extended2 File Header ---------------------------- NULL .SS "splitting " Enables (on) or disables (off) log splitting for NNTP, ICP, and HTTP. When enabled, the proxy stores the transactions for the protocol you choose in a separate log file. (The default value is off for NNTP, ICP and HTTP.) .SS"custom format " Enables (on) or disables (off) custom logging. When you enable custom logging, you must specify the format, traditional or XML. (The default values are off for custom logging and traditional for format.) .SS "rolling offset interval auto-delete " Enables (on) or disables (off) log file rolling. (The default value is on.) The offset parameter specifies the hour of the day that starts the log rolling period. (The default value is 0.) The interval parameter specifies the log file rolling interval. (The default value is 86400 seconds.) The auto-delete parameter enables (on) or disables (off) the automatic deletion of rolled log files. (The default value is on.) .SH EXAMPLES .SS "Example 1. Enabling error and transaction logging" .PP .nf traffic_shell> config:logging event enabled traffic_shell> .SS "Example 2. Specifying the full path to the logging directory" .PP .nf traffic_shell> config:logging mgmt-directory /home/inktomi/rc4/logs traffic_shell> .SS "Example 3. Specifying logging directory storage allocation (MB)" .PP .nf traffic_shell> config:logging space-limit 10 traffic_shell> .SS "Example 4. Specifying the tolerance for the log space limit" .PP .nf traffic_shell> config:logging space-headroom 100 traffic_shell> .SS "Example 5. Configuring the host to send entries using the " .SS " traditional custom formats to the collation server" .PP .nf traffic_shell> config:logging collation-status send-custom traffic_shell> .SS "Example 6. Specifying the hostname (jupiter) of the log" .SS " collation server" .PP .nf traffic_shell> config:logging collation-host jupiter traffic_shell> .SS "Example 7. Specifying the password used to validate logging" .SS " data, configuring logging to include the hostname" .SS " of the collation, and specifying 10MB as the " .SS " storage limit for orphan files" .PP .nf traffic_shell> config:logging collation secret foobar tagged on orphan-limit 10 traffic_shell> .SS "Example 8. Enabling the Squid logging format, and specifying" .SS " the ASCII file type and squid.log file name" .PP .nf traffic_shell> config:log format squid on type ascii file squid.log traffic_shell> .SS "Example 9. Separating log files for NNTP transactions" .PP .nf traffic_shell> config:logging splitting nntp on traffic_shell> .SS "Example 10. Enabling custom XML logging" .PP .nf traffic_shell> config:logging custom on format xml traffic_shell> .SS "Example 11. Enabling log rolling, to begin rolling at " .SS " midnight, with an interval of 60 seconds and" .SS " no automatic deletion of rolled files" .PP .nf traffic_shell> config:logging rolling on offset 0 interval 1 auto-delete off traffic_shell> .SH "SEE ALSO" show:logging, show:logging-stats