.\" Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one .\" .\" or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file .\" .\" distributed with this work for additional information .\" .\" regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file .\" .\" to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the .\" .\" "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance .\" .\" with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at .\" .\" .\" .\" http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .\" .\" .\" .\" Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software .\" .\" distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, .\" .\" WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. .\" .\" See the License for the specific language governing permissions and .\" .\" limitations under the License. .\" .TH "config:cache" .SH NAME config:cache \- Enables caching for various protocols and configures general caching parameters. .SH SYNOPSIS config:cache [options] .SH DESCRIPTION Use the config:cache command to enable caching for HTTP, NNTP, and FTP protocols. Also use this command to configure general caching parameters, including storage, freshness, bypass, and alternates. When you execute the config:cache command, you must use one of the options described below. .SH OPTIONS The following options are supported for the config:cache command: .SS "http " Enables (on) or disables (off) the caching of HTTP requests. (The default value is on.) .SS "nntp " Enables (on) or disables (off) the caching of NNTP requests. (The default value is on.) .SS "ftp " Enables (on) or disables (off) the caching of FTP requests sent by HTTP. (The default value is on.) .SS "ignore-bypass " Enables (on) or disables (off) the ignore-bypass option. When enabled (on), the proxy ignores client requests to bypass the cache. (The default value is off.) .SS "max-object-size " Specifies the maximum byte size of documents in the cache. A maximum byte size of zero means that there is no maximum. (The default value is zero.) .SS "max-alternates " Specifies the maximum number of HTTP alternates that the proxy can cache. (The default value is three.) .SS "file [url]" Specifies the location (URL) from which the proxy should retrieve and install your cache.config file. .SS "freshness verify " Specifies when to revalidate content. Type when-expired to use cache directives or heuristic. Type no-date to consider the object stale if the object contains no Expires or cache-control headers. (The default value is when-expired.) .SS "freshness minimum " Specifies the type of headers required for the request to be cacheable. Type nothing if you want no required headers to make the document cacheable. Type last-modified if you want at least the last-modified header to be required. Type explicit if you want the Expires or Cache-Control headers required (these explicitly indicate lifetime duration). (The default value is nothing.) .SS "freshness no-expire-limit greater-than less-than " Specifies the minimum amount of time in seconds that a document in the cache can be considered fresh. (The default value is 3600.) Specifies the maximum amount of time in seconds that a document in the cache can be considered fresh. (The default value is 86400.) .SS "dynamic " Enables (on) or disables (off) the caching of URLs that look dynamic. (The default value is off.) .SS "alternates " Enables (on) or disables (off) the caching of alternate versions of HTTP objects that do not contain the Vary header. (The default value is off.) .SS "vary " Specifies the headers on which the proxy should vary for text, images, and anything other than text and images. (The default value is NULL.) .SS "cookies " Specifies how cookies are cached. Type none to cache no responses to cookies. Type all to cache for any content type. Type images to cache only for image types. Type non-text to cache for all but text content-types. (The default value is non-text.) .SH EXAMPLES .SS "Example 1. Enabling the caching of HTTP requests" .PP .nf traffic_shell> config:cache http on traffic_shell> .SS "Example 2. Enabling the proxy to ignore client requests to" .SS " bypass the cache" .PP .nf traffic_shell> config:cache ignore-bypass on traffic_shell> .SS "Example 3. Specifying no maximum size of documents in the" .SS " cache" .PP .nf traffic_shell> config:cache max-object-size 0 traffic_shell> .SS "Example 4. Specifying zero as the maximum number of HTTP" .SS " alternates that the proxy can cache" .PP .nf traffic_shell> config:cache max-alternates 0 traffic_shell> .SS "Example 5. Specifying the location (URL) from which the proxy" .SS " should retrieve and install your cache.config file" .PP .nf traffic_shell> config:cache file http://somedomain.com/path/cache.config traffic_shell> .SS "Example 6. Revalidating content by using cache directives" .SS " or heuristic" .PP .nf traffic_shell> config:cache freshness verify when-expired traffic_shell> .SS "Example 7. Requiring the Expires or Cache-Control headers " .SS " for cacheability" .PP .nf traffic_shell> config:cache freshness minimum explicit traffic_shell> .SS "Example 8. Specifying a minimum and a maximum amount of time" .SS " seconds for a document in the cache to be " .SS " considered fresh" .PP .nf traffic_shell> config:cache freshness no-expire-limit greater-than 900 less-than 7200 traffic_shell> .SS "Example 9. Enabling the caching of URLs that look dynamic" .PP .nf traffic_shell> config:cache dynamic on traffic_shell> .SS "Example 10. Enabling the caching of alternate versions of HTTP .SS " objects that do not contain the Vary header" .PP .nf traffic_shell> config:cache alternates on traffic_shell> .SS "Example 11. Specifying the Cookie header for the proxy to vary on for text" .PP .nf traffic_shell> config:cache vary text Cookie traffic_shell> .SS "Example 12. Specifying not to cache responses from cookies" .PP .nf traffic_shell> config:cache cookies none traffic_shell> .SH "SEE ALSO" show:cache, show:cache-stats