Combohandler -------------------- This plugin provides that functionality (and more) with the same interface but with these differences in configuration: The arguments in the plugin.config line in order represent 1) The path that should triggers combo handler (defaults to "admin/v1/combo") 2) The name of the key used for signature verification (disabled by default) A "-" can be supplied as a value for any of these arguments to request default value be applied. Also, just like the original combohandler, this plugin generates URLs of the form 'http://localhost//'. here defaults to 'l' unless specified by the file path in the query parameter using a colon. For example: Will result in these three pages being fetched: http://localhost/l/filepath1 http://localhost/dir1/filepath2 http://localhost/l/filepath3 Remap rules have to be specified to map the above URLs to desired content servers. From 1.1.0, the plugin also supports a prefix parameter. Common parts of successive file paths can be extracted and specified separately using a 'p' query parameter. Successive file path parameters are appended to this prefix to create complete file paths. The prefix will remain active until changed or cleared (set to an empty string). For example, the query "/file1&p=/path1/&file2&file3&p=&/file4&p=/dir:path2/&file5&file6" results in these file paths being "reconstructed": /file1 /path1/file2 /path1/file3 /file4 /dir:path2/file5 /dir:path2/file6 Version 1.1.2 - Use the Bucket visited(instead of 'l' as the default) as the nickname if nickname is not passed. Version 1.1.1 ------------- - Using yts_http_fetcher_impl package instead of yts_esi_lib Version 1.1.0 ------------- - Support for 'p=' prefix parameters Version 1.0.4 ------------- - Checking vconn before closing (triggered on cache hits) Version 1.0.3 ------------- - Defaulting to '/l' as the path if no colon prefix path is specified Version 1.0.2 ------------- - Using localhost as content server (relying on remap rules) and generalizing the colon prefix paths Version 1.0.1 ------------- - Using for "d:" prefixed file paths Version 1.0.0 ------------- - Initial version