{% extends "basic.html" %}
{% block title %}Apache TomEE {{ headers.version }}-SNAPSHOT{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
Snapshot builds are provided for the purpose verifying fixes and participating in the development cycle by evaluating new features and improvements and giving feedback.
The community will happily support your use of snapshots for development purposes with the mutual understanding all builds are works in progress and subject to change.
Apache TomEE Web Profile delivers Servlets, JSP, JSF, JTA, JPA, CDI, Bean Validation and EJB Lite Apache TomEE JAX-RS delivers the Web Profile plus JAX-RS Apache TomEE Plus delivers all that is in the Web Profile and JAX-RS, plus EJB Full, Java EE Connector Architecture, JMS and JAX-WS.Apache TomEE {{ headers.version }}-SNAPSHOT
Web Profile
An "EJB" Server that can be run as a separate, standalone, server process. Contains EJB Full, CDI, JPA, JMS, JAX-WS, JAX-RS
A version of Apache TomEE that can be dropped into any Tomcat 7.x install effectively creating your own Apache TomEE Web Profile or Apache TomEE Plus.