= @WebService handlers with @HandlerChain :jbake-date: 2016-09-06 :jbake-type: page :jbake-tomeepdf: :jbake-status: published Example webservice-handlerchain can be browsed at https://github.com/apache/tomee/tree/master/examples/webservice-handlerchain In this example we see a basic JAX-WS `@WebService` component use a handler chain to alter incoming and outgoing SOAP messages. SOAP Handlers are similar to Servlet Filters or EJB/CDI Interceptors. At high level, the steps involved are: 1. Create handler(s) implementing `javax.xml.ws.handler.soap.SOAPHandler` 1. Declare and order them in an xml file via `` 1. Associate the xml file with an `@WebService` component via `@HandlerChain` == The @HandlerChain First we'll start with our plain `@WebService` bean, called `Calculator`, which is annotated with `@HandlerChain` [source,java] ---- @Singleton @WebService( portName = "CalculatorPort", serviceName = "CalculatorService", targetNamespace = "http://superbiz.org/wsdl", endpointInterface = "org.superbiz.calculator.wsh.CalculatorWs") @HandlerChain(file = "handlers.xml") public class Calculator implements CalculatorWs { public int sum(int add1, int add2) { return add1 + add2; } public int multiply(int mul1, int mul2) { return mul1 * mul2; } } ---- Here we see `@HandlerChain` pointing to a file called `handlers.xml`. This file could be called anything, but it must be in the same jar and java package as our `Calculator` component. == The <handler-chains> file Our `Calculator` service is in the package `org.superbiz.calculator.wsh`, which means our handler chain xml file must be at `org/superbiz/calculator/wsh/handlers.xml` in our application's classpath or the file will not be found and no handlers will be used. In maven we achieve this by putting our handlers.xml in `src/main/resources` like so: - `src/main/resources/org/superbiz/calculator/wsh/handlers.xml` With this file we declare and **order** our handler chain. [source,xml] ---- org.superbiz.calculator.wsh.Inflate org.superbiz.calculator.wsh.Inflate org.superbiz.calculator.wsh.Increment org.superbiz.calculator.wsh.Increment ---- The order as you might suspect is: - `Inflate` - `Increment` == The SOAPHandler implementation Our `Inflate` handler has the job of monitoring *responses* to the `sum` and `multiply` operations and making them 1000 times better. Manipulation of the message is done by walking the `SOAPBody` and editing the nodes. The `handleMessage` method is invoked for both requests and responses, so it is important to check the `SOAPBody` before attempting to naviage the nodes. [source,java] ---- import org.w3c.dom.Node; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPBody; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPException; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage; import javax.xml.ws.handler.MessageContext; import javax.xml.ws.handler.soap.SOAPHandler; import javax.xml.ws.handler.soap.SOAPMessageContext; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Set; public class Inflate implements SOAPHandler { public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext mc) { try { final SOAPMessage message = mc.getMessage(); final SOAPBody body = message.getSOAPBody(); final String localName = body.getFirstChild().getLocalName(); if ("sumResponse".equals(localName) || "multiplyResponse".equals(localName)) { final Node responseNode = body.getFirstChild(); final Node returnNode = responseNode.getFirstChild(); final Node intNode = returnNode.getFirstChild(); final int value = new Integer(intNode.getNodeValue()); intNode.setNodeValue(Integer.toString(value * 1000)); } return true; } catch (SOAPException e) { return false; } } public Set getHeaders() { return Collections.emptySet(); } public void close(MessageContext mc) { } public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext mc) { return true; } } ---- The `Increment` handler is identical in code and therefore not shown. Instead of multiplying by 1000, it simply adds 1. == The TestCase We use the JAX-WS API to create a Java client for our `Calculator` web service and use it to invoke both the `sum` and `multiply` operations. Note the clever use of math to assert both the existence and order of our handlers. If `Inflate` and `Increment` were reversed, the responses would be 11000 and 13000 respectively. [source,java] ---- public class CalculatorTest { @BeforeClass public static void setUp() throws Exception { Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.setProperty("openejb.embedded.remotable", "true"); EJBContainer.createEJBContainer(properties); } @Test public void testCalculatorViaWsInterface() throws Exception { final Service calculatorService = Service.create( new URL(""), new QName("http://superbiz.org/wsdl", "CalculatorService")); assertNotNull(calculatorService); final CalculatorWs calculator = calculatorService.getPort(CalculatorWs.class); // we expect our answers to come back 1000 times better, plus one! assertEquals(10001, calculator.sum(4, 6)); assertEquals(12001, calculator.multiply(3, 4)); } } ---- == Running the example Simply run `mvn clean install` and you should see output similar to the following: [source] ---- ------------------------------------------------------- T E S T S ------------------------------------------------------- Running org.superbiz.calculator.wsh.CalculatorTest INFO - openejb.home = /Users/dblevins/work/all/trunk/openejb/examples/webservice-handlers INFO - openejb.base = /Users/dblevins/work/all/trunk/openejb/examples/webservice-handlers INFO - Using 'javax.ejb.embeddable.EJBContainer=true' INFO - Cannot find the configuration file [conf/openejb.xml]. Will attempt to create one for the beans deployed. INFO - Configuring Service(id=Default Security Service, type=SecurityService, provider-id=Default Security Service) INFO - Configuring Service(id=Default Transaction Manager, type=TransactionManager, provider-id=Default Transaction Manager) INFO - Creating TransactionManager(id=Default Transaction Manager) INFO - Creating SecurityService(id=Default Security Service) INFO - Beginning load: /Users/dblevins/work/all/trunk/openejb/examples/webservice-handlers/target/test-classes INFO - Beginning load: /Users/dblevins/work/all/trunk/openejb/examples/webservice-handlers/target/classes INFO - Configuring enterprise application: /Users/dblevins/work/all/trunk/openejb/examples/webservice-handlers INFO - Auto-deploying ejb Calculator: EjbDeployment(deployment-id=Calculator) INFO - Configuring Service(id=Default Singleton Container, type=Container, provider-id=Default Singleton Container) INFO - Auto-creating a container for bean Calculator: Container(type=SINGLETON, id=Default Singleton Container) INFO - Creating Container(id=Default Singleton Container) INFO - Configuring Service(id=Default Managed Container, type=Container, provider-id=Default Managed Container) INFO - Auto-creating a container for bean org.superbiz.calculator.wsh.CalculatorTest: Container(type=MANAGED, id=Default Managed Container) INFO - Creating Container(id=Default Managed Container) INFO - Enterprise application "/Users/dblevins/work/all/trunk/openejb/examples/webservice-handlers" loaded. INFO - Assembling app: /Users/dblevins/work/all/trunk/openejb/examples/webservice-handlers INFO - Created Ejb(deployment-id=Calculator, ejb-name=Calculator, container=Default Singleton Container) INFO - Started Ejb(deployment-id=Calculator, ejb-name=Calculator, container=Default Singleton Container) INFO - Deployed Application(path=/Users/dblevins/work/all/trunk/openejb/examples/webservice-handlers) INFO - Initializing network services INFO - Creating ServerService(id=httpejbd) INFO - Creating ServerService(id=cxf) INFO - Creating ServerService(id=admin) INFO - Creating ServerService(id=ejbd) INFO - Creating ServerService(id=ejbds) INFO - Initializing network services INFO - ** Starting Services ** INFO - NAME IP PORT INFO - httpejbd 4204 INFO - Creating Service {http://superbiz.org/wsdl}CalculatorService from class org.superbiz.calculator.wsh.CalculatorWs INFO - Setting the server's publish address to be http://nopath:80 INFO - Webservice(wsdl=, qname={http://superbiz.org/wsdl}CalculatorService) --> Ejb(id=Calculator) INFO - admin thread 4200 INFO - ejbd 4201 INFO - ejbd 4203 INFO - ------- INFO - Ready! INFO - Creating Service {http://superbiz.org/wsdl}CalculatorService from WSDL: INFO - Creating Service {http://superbiz.org/wsdl}CalculatorService from WSDL: INFO - Default SAAJ universe not set Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 2.783 sec Results : Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 ---- == Inspecting the messages The above would generate the following messages. === Calculator wsdl [source,xml] ---- ---- === SOAP sum and sumResponse Request: [source,xml] ---- 4 6 ---- Response: [source,xml] ---- 10001 ---- === SOAP multiply and multiplyResponse Request: [source,xml] ---- 3 4 ---- Response: [source,xml] ---- 12001 ----