= TomEE File Layout :jbake-date: 2016-03-16 :jbake-type: page :jbake-status: published :jbake-tomeepdf: ifndef::backend-pdf[] [#filetree.col-md-4] [ { label: 'apps', description: 'A common but optional folder containing the applications (war, ear, jar). Note: this folder needs to be activated in tomee.xml for instance and is not there by default.', children: [ {label:'module1.jar',description:'An ejbmodule'}, {label:'myapp',description:'An exploded war or ear'}, {label:'anotherapp.war',description:'A war'}, {label:'anotherapp',description:'By default TomEE will explode the war next to the .war file, this is customizable.'}, {label:'anotherapp2.ear',description:'An ear'}, {label:'anotherapp2',description:'By default TomEE will explode the ear next to the .ear file, this is customizable.'} ] }, { label: 'bin', description: 'The executable and boot related files', children: [ {label:'bootstrap.jar',description:'The jar allowing Tomcat to start'}, {label:'catalina.bat',description:'The windows main Tomcat script'}, {label:'catalina.bat.original',description:'The original catalina.bat from Tomcat. TomEE customizes it.'}, {label:'catalina.sh',description:'The UNIx main Tomcat script'}, {label:'catalina.sh.original',description:'The original catalina.sh from Tomcat. TomEE customizes it.'}, {label:'catalina-tasks.xml',description:'Some Ant tasks Tomcat provides to work with JMX'}, {label:'commons-daemon.jar',description:'When setting up TomEE as a service you need this jar.'}, {label:'commons-daemon-native.tar.gz',description:'The native needed by commons-daemon'}, {label:'configtest.bat',description:'A windows script to validate the server.xml'}, {label:'configtest.sh',description:'A UNIx script to validate the server.xml'}, {label:'daemon.sh',description:'A script which can be used as init.d script'}, {label:'digest.bat',description:'A windows script to compute a digest'}, {label:'digest.sh',description:'A UNIx script to compute a digest'}, {label:'service.bat',description:'The windows service script'}, {label:'service.install.as.admin.bat',description:'Install TomEE as a service on windows'}, {label:'service.readme.txt',description:'The explanations on how to setup TomEE as a windows service'}, {label:'service.remove.as.admin.bat',description:'Uninstall TomEE service on windows'}, {label:'setclasspath.bat',description:'The script called by catalina.bat to initialize Tomcat classpath'}, {label:'setclasspath.sh',description:'The script called by catalina.bat to initialize TomEE classpath'}, {label:'setenv.sh',description:'A UNIx user script (optional) where you can specify some JVM options like CATALINA_OPTS environment variable'}, {label:'setenv.bat',description:'A windows user script (optional) where you can specify some JVM options like CATALINA_OPTS environment variable'}, {label:'shutdown.bat',description:'Stop the server on windows, it is commonly used with -force and a timeout as options'}, {label:'shutdown.sh',description:'Stop the server on UNIx, it is commonly used with -force and a timeout as options'}, {label:'startup.bat',description:'Start (and forget) TomEE on windows'}, {label:'startup.sh',description:'Start (and forget) TomEE on UNIx'}, {label:'tomcat-juli.jar',description:'The Tomcat Java Util Logging extensions which allow for instance to configure the logging per application'}, {label:'tomcat-native.tar.gz',description:'The Tomcat native used by some connectors'}, {label:'TomEE....exe',description:'TomEE windows executables when setup as a service for amd64 architectures'}, {label:'tomee.bat',description:'TomEE utility script for windows, allows to compute ciphers for instance'}, {label:'tomee.sh',description:'TomEE utility script for UNIx, allows to compute ciphers for instance'}, {label:'tool-wrapper.bat',description:'Windows script calling Tomcat Tool utility. It executes a command line with Tomcat classloader.'}, {label:'tool-wrapper.sh',description:'UNIx script calling Tomcat Tool utility. It executes a command line with Tomcat classloader.'}, {label:'version.bat',description:'Print Tomcat version (for windows)'}, {label:'version.sh',description:'Print Tomcat version (for UNIx)'} ] }, { label: 'conf', description: 'Folder containing the configuration of TomEE', children: [ {label:'Catalina',description:'A folder where Tomcat can copy web application configuration (typically context.xml can be overriden from there)'}, {label:'catalina.policy',description:'The server security policy rules'}, {label:'catalina.properties',description:'The server boot configuration (classloader etc...)'}, {label:'conf.d',description:'A TomEE folder where services can pick configuration'}, {label:'context.xml',description:'The default context.xml configuration'}, {label:'logging.properties',description:'The logging configuration for the server and applications (overridable)'}, {label:'server.xml',description:'The server configuration (Host, Context, Valves, ...)'}, {label:'server.xml.original',description:'The original server.xml, TomEE updates it to add its lifecycle manager.'}, {label:'system.properties',description:'TomEE global configuration'}, {label:'tomcat-users.xml',description:'The default location where tomcat stores users.'}, {label:'tomcat-users.xml.original',description:'The Tomcat tomcat-users.xml (TomEE add comments)'}, {label:'tomcat-users.xsd',description:'The XSD for tomcat-users.xml'}, {label:'tomee.xml',description:'The TomEE configuration file, syntax is hybrid between XML and Properties and it is fully replaceable with system.properties but users generally prefer this file.'}, {label:'web.xml',description:'The default web.xml'} ] }, { label: 'lib', description: 'Folder containing TomEE binaries', children: [ {label:'*.jar',description:'Tomcat + TomEE libraries'} ] }, { label: 'logs', description: 'Default location of log files', children: [ {label:'catalina.$day.log',description:'By default container logs go there'}, {label:'xxx.2016-03-16.log',description:'By default application xxx logs go there (when using servlet API)'}, {label:'localhost.$day.log',description:'By default host related logs go there'}, {label:'localhost_access_log.$day.txt',description:'By default access logs (request the container processed) go there'} ] }, { label: 'temp', description: 'Java temporary directory is redirected by default to this folder', children: [ {label:'OpenEJB-dejlzdbhjzbfrzeofrh',description:'A temporary file TomEE can create (suffix depends the startup) to check the instance'} ] }, { label: 'webapps', description: 'Folder containing the web applications', children: [ {label:'myapp',description:'An exploded war'}, {label:'anotherapp.war',description:'A war'}, {label:'anotherapp',description:'By default TomEE will explode the war next to the .war file, this is customizable.'} ] }, { label: 'work', description: 'Folder where Tomcat and TomEE can work', children: [ { label:'Catalina',description:'By default Tomcat Engine is called Catalina. This folder matches engine name.', children: [ { label:'localhost',description:'A folder by host by engine to seggregate data of each ones', children: [ { label:'myapp',description:'An application deployed on the previous level host', children: [ { label:'org.apache.jsp.index_jsp.java',description:'The generated JSP source (index.jsp there)' }, { label:'org.apache.jsp.index_jsp.class',description:'The compiled JSP binary' } ] } ] } ] } ] } ] [#filetreedetail.col-md-8.bs-callout.bs-callout-primary] Click on a tree node or open a folder to see the detail there. endif::[]