Title: Telnet Console {note} Availability: Since OpenEJB 0.9{note} # Basic Usage To use OpenEJB's Telnet Console, simply boot your server normally. > $ ./bin/openejb start OPENEJB_HOME=/Users/dblevins/Desktop/openejb-1.0 OpenEJB 1.0 build: 20060226-1701 http://www.openejb.org resources 1 OpenEJB ready. [init] OpenEJB Remote Server ** Starting Services ** NAME IP PORT webadmin 4203 httpejbd 4204 telnet 4202 ejbd 4201 admin 4200 ------- Ready! Then in another shell telnet in > $ telnet localhost 4202 Trying ::1... Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^] '. OpenEJB Remote Server Console type 'help' for a list of commands [openejb] $ help stop exit system version lookup help [openejb] $ system Containers: Default BMP Container Default CMP Container Default Stateful Container Default Stateless Container Deployments: client/tests/stateful/EncBean client/tests/entity/cmp/RMI-over-IIOP/EJBHome client/tests/stateful/BasicStatefulHome ClientTools/ViewClass Webadmin/Configuration EJBGenerator/CreateEJB ClientTools/InvokeObject Webadmin/Properties client/tests/stateful/RMI-over-IIOP/EJBHome Webadmin/Home client/tests/entity/bmp/allowed_operations/EntityHome client/tests/entity/cmp/EncBean httpd/DefaultBean client/tests/stateful/BeanManagedBasicStatefulHome client/tools/DatabaseHome client/tests/entity/bmp/EncBean config/webadmin/ConfigurationData deploy/webadmin/Deployer ClientTools/ViewJndi Webadmin/DeploymentList client/tests/stateless/BeanManagedBasicStatelessHome Webadmin/CMPMapping client/tests/stateless/EncBean client/tests/stateful/BeanManagedTransactionTests/EJBHome client/tests/entity/bmp/RMI-over-IIOP/EJBHome Webadmin/ListLogs client/tests/stateless/BeanManagedTransactionTests/EJBHome ClientTools/ViewEjb client/tests/entity/bmp/BasicBmpHome mapping/webadmin/CMPMappingData client/tests/stateless/BasicStatelessHome client/tests/entity/cmp/BasicCmpHome Webadmin/Deployment httpd/session client/tests/entity/cmp/allowed_operations/EntityHome client/tests/stateless/RMI-over-IIOP/EJBHome [openejb] $ exit Connection closed by foreign host. # Configuring the Telnet Service The configuration of all server services (network facing services) is done in xinet.d style config files. The telnet shell is controlled via the $OPENEJB_HOME/conf/telnet.properties file. This file is created for you automatically after the first time OpenEJB boots. > $ cat conf/telnet.properties server = org.openejb.server.telnet.TelnetServer bind = port = 4202 disabled = false threads = 5 # only_from = You can change the IP, port, and even the number of threads allowed to concurrently access the Telnet service via this file. # Disabling the Telnet Service Simply edit the config file and set 'disabled' to true disabled = true Then restart OpenEJB. # Restricting Access It is unlikely you want just anyone to be able to login and execute commands. While you can't restrict access on a user basis, yet, you can restrict access to specific hosts. Host based access control (HBA) is a built-in part of any Server Service in OpenEJB and the Telnet Service is no different. This is done with the 'only_from' property, which like the rest of the file is a direct copy of the xinet.d syntax for HBA. For an example to restrict access to the localhost, you could configure the Telnet Service like this: server = org.openejb.server.telnet.TelnetServer bind = port = 4202 disabled = false threads = 5 only_from = localhost If you wanted to restrict access to localhost *and* say the hosts and, you can simply add them to the list. server = org.openejb.server.telnet.TelnetServer bind = port = 4202 disabled = false threads = 5 only_from = localhost,,