Apache TomEE 1.0.0-beta-2 2012-01-23 Upgrades: * [TOMEE-81] Upgrade HSQLDB to 2.2.4 * [TOMEE-109] Upgrade to XBean 3.9 * [TOMEE-112] Upgrade wss4j to 1.6.3 * [TOMEE-117] Upgrade OpenWebBeans to 1.1.3 * [TOMEE-118] Upgrade CXF to 2.5.1 * [TOMEE-119] Upgrade ActiveMQ to 5.5.1 * [TOMEE-113] Upgrade Commons Fileupload to 1.2.2 * [TOMEE-114] Upgrade Commons Discovery to 0.5 * [TOMEE-116] Upgrade Commons Pool to 1.5.7 New Features: * [TOMEE-6] Arquillian adapter * [TOMEE-84] TomEE Embedded Container * [TOMEE-86] Implementation of EJBContainer.createEJBContainer for TomEE Embedded * [TOMEE-96] All-in-one TomEE Embedded jar * [TOMEE-95] Command line 'java -jar tomee-embedded.jar myAwesome.war' launching * [TOMEE-58] New concept of persistence-fragment.xml file * [TOMEE-71] Ability to reload Persistence units via JMX * [TOMEE-72] Example: Reloading Persistence unit properties dynamically * [TOMEE-104] Allow custom JAX-RS providers to be used * [TOMEE-99] Example: CDI @Alternative and @Stereotype * [TOMEE-101] Example: CDI Events and @Observes * [TOMEE-97] Beginning documentation for Meta-Annotation support * [TOMEE-37] TomEE webapps based Deployer implementation * [OPENEJB-1454] Meta Annotation Support * [OPENEJB-1691] Dynamic @Proxy beans * [OPENEJB-1430] Scanning an JMX Registration of @ObjectName mbeans in applications * [OPENEJB-1737] Example: Dynamic JMX MBean example * [OPENEJB-1517] EJBContainer.createEJBContainer MODULES supports various org.apache.openejb.jee.* types * [OPENEJB-1571] CDI Injection for clients of EJBContainer and tests using ApplicationComposer * [OPENEJB-1706] CDI Injection support for MDBs * [OPENEJB-1744] Example: MDBs as CDI beans * [OPENEJB-1654] System property overrides for MDB ActivationConfig * [OPENEJB-1690] Ability to define DataSources, Topics, Queues and other resources in applications with a META-INF/resources.xml file * [OPENEJB-1453] Metatyping for EJB and Dependency Injection Annotations * [OWB-621] Alternative configuration method for buggy container or pre servlet api 2.5 container Improvements: * [TOMEE-102] Cleaned up error handling of closed jars at shutdown * [TOMEE-107] Reduced logging of harmless "Could not install our singleton service" message * [TOMEE-106] Better handling of DataSource "maxWait" property, supports ints * [TOMEE-108] Smarter default of Log4j, Slf4j and JULI logging implementation selection * [TOMEE-100] Trim internal objects from logging * [TOMEE-93] Ensure JAX-RS @HeaderParam matching is case insensitive * [TOMEE-91] Improved error handling and resolving of REST @Path URLs * [TOMEE-82] SQLLoginModule support for HSQLDB 2.x * [TOMEE-83] Improved ability to imply type of * [TOMEE-87] Expanded scope of Global JNDI * [TOMEE-123] Eliminate webapp lib scanning from known libs * [TOMEE-73] Example: JAX-RS example with Application * [TOMEE-60] More Optimization in scanning of webapp libs * [OPENEJB-1746] More helpful information on ConcurrentAccessTimeoutException * [OPENEJB-48] Log the location of the openejb.conf file being used * [OPENEJB-1747] Avoid NPE when a custom mdb container uses badly defined activation properties * [OPENEJB-1749] Better logging of @Stateful @PreDestroy exceptions * [OPENEJB-1701] Improved Multipoint and Multicast discovery logging * [OPENEJB-1750] Improved documentation on Windows Service installer * [OPENEJB-1700] deploying rest ejb as ejb when it is returned by Application.getClasses()/getSingletons() * [OPENEJB-1754] Reduce logging of failed security checks due to being unauthorized * [OPENEJB-1753] New 'openejb.descriptors.output.folder' property for location of generated descriptors * [OPENEJB-1722] manage JtaPlatform instead of TransactionManagerLookup when hibernate 4 as JPA provider * [OPENEJB-1752] Tolerate toString() issues with ejb method return values when logging on DEBUG * [OPENEJB-1751] Ability to deactivate all internal JMX MBeans * [OPENEJB-1742] Respect 'openjpa.Specification' persistence.xml property * [OPENEJB-1743] Better MDB/CDI support * [OPENEJB-1741] Faster jar scanning at deploy * [OPENEJB-1699] managing @ApplicationPath for rest * [OPENEJB-1738] MDB Queue/Topic name defaults to MappedName * [OPENEJB-1715] Add ServiceTracker in Activator class to wait till we find the ServiceManagerProxy * [OWB-623] Relax check on @AroundInvoke Interceptors 'throws Exception' * [OWB-627] Automatically destroy @Dependent contextual instances created with Instance * [OWB-475] support for optional beans Bugs: * [TOMEE-56] jsp group properties order not respected * [TOMEE-103] Further reduction of possible LinkageError in log files * [TOMEE-105] fixing contextroot in TomcatWebAppBuilder for windows * [TOMEE-51] Deployment without web.xml not possible. With web.xml, tests do not run. * [TOMEE-11] conf/logging.properties conflicts with juli configuration for Tomcat * [TOMEE-10] JNDI Browser in the openejb.war does not show @LocalBean views as EJBs * [TOMEE-94] context.xml ignored in internally created Tomcat StandardContexts * [TOMEE-90] Fixed REST Service undeployment issue * [TOMEE-98] Possible name conflict with internal "Comp" bean * [TOMEE-47] ServletContext.getResource(path).getInputStream() fails * [TOMEE-43] library-directory ignored * [TOMEE-42] TCCL.getResources() returns duplicated when deploying with OpenEJB deployer * [TOMEE-80] Avoid hibernate HHH015010 at startup * [TOMEE-89] Fixed lifecycle issue in CDI BeforeBeanDiscovery * [TOMEE-85] Fixed issues with rootUrl in persistence units of webapps * [TOMEE-39] context.xml of WAR not loaded * [TOMEE-88] Possible EL related issue prevents startup * [TOMEE-30] OpenEJBLifecycle.startApplication brutly cast Object in StartupObject * [TOMEE-33] seam-international-timeanddate fails to deploy * [TOMEE-34] seam-remoting-helloworld fails to deploy * [TOMEE-35] Unable to lookup BeanManager from JNDI * [TOMEE-36] NullPointerException when Missing required persistence.xml for @PersistenceUnit * [TOMEE-120] Fixed issue preventing serveral Web Service applications from being deployed simultaneously * [TOMEE-77] Ignore REST Applications without default constructor * [TOMEE-1] TomEE Beta 1.0.0 doesn't start with MyFaces CODI * [TOMEE-27] UnknownModuleTypeException thrown when no-web.xml webapp deployed * [TOMEE-76] Avoid NullPointerException in no-web.xml applications * [TOMEE-29] Applications always seem to be refreshed/redployed * [TOMEE-74] Fixed serialization issue with ValidationFactory references * [TOMEE-79] Fixed "no root logger" warning * [TOMEE-78] Issue finding openejb.war in Tomcat * [TOMEE-110] Fixed Tomcat issue with JSF code/prelude ordering * [TOMEE-111] Avoid overriting files in Tomcat installer if already installed * [TOMEE-61] allow ROOT to contain rest service * [TOMEE-115] Issue in OWB preventing CDI Extensions from adding Interceptors to EJBs * [OPENEJB-1523] TomEE 6.0.26 / 3.1.4: NPE in org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.manageApp * [OPENEJB-1730] Reliability of multipoint discovery heartrates less than 1 second * [OPENEJB-1745] Fix null pointer in discardInstance when releaseInstance has already been called * [OPENEJB-1748] Fixed undeploy race condition * [OPENEJB-1710] ClassCastException when deploying ear files containing persistence.xml * [OPENEJB-1709] TomEE webapps (See rest-example) doesn't work under Windows (Path - Problem with backslash "\") * [OPENEJB-1708] Servlet Injection * [OPENEJB-1443] EntityManager in non-transactional business methods using queries can be used only once * [OPENEJB-1729] Reliability of Multipoint remove event when last peer disappears * [OPENEJB-1702] Multicast and Multipoint 'heart_rate' property ignored * [OPENEJB-1704] undeploy or shutdown call ejbCreate() on stateless session beans * [OPENEJB-1711] Multithreaded filling of @Stateless pools to PoolMin at bean startup * [OPENEJB-1733] Parameters are not always available in custom interceptor when the bean is a webservice * [OWB-620] any disabled bean of passivating scope will wrongly be detected as 'not passivatable' * [OWB-622] beanmanager injection in afterBeanDiscovery method parameter * [OWB-624] AnnotatedTypes registered in BeforeBeanDiscovery might get processed twice * [OWB-615] remove @Overrides for interfaces to be java5 compatible * [OWB-597] StackOverFlow when injecting product in same bean where @Produces is placed * [OWB-589] " ... requires a passivation capable dependency ..." for producer method with return type String and non serializable injected dependency * [OWB-616] javax.el.ExpressionFactory has final methods! CDI doesn't allow that. - Test on final **PRIVATE** methods too? * [OWB-619] @New beans must only exist if there is at least one injection point for them * [OWB-618] we sometimes invoke a dispose method without having created the bean upfront * [OWB-562] non-enabled alternative beans with passivating scope fail validation during deployment * [OWB-630] AmbiguousResolutionException thrown for Decorators that Decorate multiple beans where any of those beans are passivation capable. * [OWB-631] openwebbeans-resource misses openwebbeans.properties * [OWB-565] missing check for producer methods * [OWB-625] BeanManager.resolve throw java.util.NoSuchElementException with an empty set parameter * [OWB-629] NoClassDefFoundError for optional dependencies * [OWB-515] interceptors don't support inheritance without an overridden method annotated with @AroundInvoke Tasks & Sub-Tasks: * [TOMEE-31] upgrade hsqldb to version 2.2.4 * [TOMEE-122] WebService subcontext mapping adjustable with tomee.jaxws.subcontext property * [TOMEE-121] WebServices mapped into //webservices/ * [TOMEE-75] Resolve default persistence provider before Assembly * [OPENEJB-1638] Add Readme.md files for examples * [OPENEJB-1723] Unit tests and changes for ActivationConfigOverride * [OPENEJB-1755] Repackaging LocalInitialContextFactory into org.apache.openejb.core * [OPENEJB-1697] TomEE related renaming * [OPENEJB-1705] Example: Simple CDI Interceptor