h1. General properties {info:title=Update this section} Update this section and add more documentation and examples of the usage of each property. Group similar properties {info} openejb.authentication.realmName openejb.base openejb.configuration openejb.deploymentId.format openejb.deployments.classpath openejb.deployments.classpath.ear openejb.deployments.classpath.exclude openejb.deployments.classpath.filter.descriptors openejb.deployments.classpath.filter.systemapps openejb.deployments.classpath.include openejb.deployments.classpath.require.descriptor openejb.deployments.classpath.ear openejb.descriptors.output openejb.embedded.remotable openejb.home openejb.jndiname.failoncollision openejb.jndiname.format openejb.jndiname.strategy.class openejb.localcopy openejb.log.factory openejb.nobanner openejb.provider.default openejb.validation.output.level openejb.validation.skip openejb.version h1. Overriding openejb.xml Anything in the openejb.xml file can be overridden via system properties of the format: {panel} -D.= {panel} ..where id is the value in the config file for example: {code:xml} JdbcDriver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver JdbcUrl jdbc:mysql://localhost/test UserName test {code} Could be overridden as follows via system properties on the command line: {quote} ./bin/openejb start -Dmysql.JdbcDriver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver -Dmysql.JdbcUrl=jdbc:mysql://localhost/test -Dmysql.UserName=test {quote} h1. Overriding Server Services Any server service installed into OpenEJB can be overridden in the same fashion as things in the openejb.xml file. For example, when OpenEJB starts it prints out the following: {noformat} ** Starting Services ** NAME IP PORT httpejbd 4204 telnet 4202 ejbd 4201 hsql 9001 activemq 4206 derbynet 4205 admin thread 4200 {noformat} Each of those has the same standard xinet.d-like properties which can also be configured as such: {panel} -D.= {panel} ... where 'id' is the name of the server service and 'property-name' is one of the following: bind, port, threads, disabled, only_from. So to set the address and port the ejbd service will bind to, simply specify this on the command line: {quote} ./bin/openejb start -Dejbd.bind= -Dejbd.port=9988 {quote}