Title: Source Code
# Browsing
You can browse the source code via the [web interface](http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/openejb/trunk/)
# Downloading
You can download (aka checkout) the sources of Apache OpenEJB with
Subversion client using the following URL [http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/openejb/trunk/openejb3](http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/openejb/trunk/openejb3)
Performing the checkout from the command line using the subversion client
is as easy as executing the following command:
> $ svn co [http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/openejb/trunk/openejb3](http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/openejb/trunk/openejb3)
If you are experiencing problems with errors like "400 Bad Request
(http://svn.apache.org)", try using:
> $ svn co [https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/openejb/trunk/openejb3](https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/openejb/trunk/openejb3)
or alternatively with Apache Maven 2 or later:
> mvn scm:checkout
> -DconnectionUrl=scm:svn:http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/openejb/trunk/openejb3
> -DcheckoutDirectory=openejb3
It's not yet known how to see the progress of the checkout as mvn
scm:checkout checks out the sources non-interactively. It's worth to know
about the command, though, as it doesn't require the subversion client.
# Continuous integration
Apache OpenEJB continuous integration relies on [Apache Buildbot](http://ci.apache.org/)
All builders are available [from the page](http://ci.apache.org/builders)
* [Apache OpenEJB under Ubuntu](http://ci.apache.org/builders/openejb-trunk-ubuntu)
* [Apache OpenEJB under Windows using a Sun/Oracle JDK](http://ci.apache.org/builders/openejb-trunk-win-sunjdk)
* [Apache OpenEJB under Windows using an IBM JDK](http://ci.apache.org/builders/openejb-trunk-win-ibmjdk6)
# Building
To build the code, you'll need to grab a copy of [Apache Maven](http://maven.apache.org)
version 2.0.4 or later. The standard build command is as follows:
> $ cd openejb3
> $ mvn -Dassemble clean install
or alternatively when on Unix-like OSes
> $ cd openejb3
> $ mvn \-o \-Dmaven.\{test,itest\}.skip \-Dassemble clean install
Running with the *assemble* option turned on enables a profile that builds
OpenEJB's assemblies (distros). They live in *assembly* directory. You can
remove it from the command line if you're not interested in them - just
remove \-Dassemble from the command line and you're ready to go.
*NOTE:* When importing a project into an IDE (Eclipse, NetBeans, IDEA) you
should run with the assemble profile on. It's because the assembly modules
are only included in the M2 run when the property is set.
{info:title=Solution for a possible OutOfMemoryError}
It's likely you run into the infamous OutOfMemoryError and the solution is
to increase the available memory for Apache Maven. Depending on the system
you're working on, the fix can be as easy as _export MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx512m_
on MacOS and Unices or _set MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx512m_ on MS Windows.
The output of that command should end with "BUILD SUCCESSFUL"
Reactor Summary:
OpenEJB ............................................... SUCCESS [3.722s]
OpenEJB :: Dependencies ............................... SUCCESS [0.086s]
OpenEJB :: Dependencies :: JavaEE API ................. SUCCESS [8.045s]
OpenEJB :: iTests ..................................... SUCCESS [0.125s]
OpenEJB :: iTests Beans ............................... SUCCESS [9.072s]
OpenEJB :: iTests Servlets ............................ SUCCESS [3.372s]
OpenEJB :: iTests Client .............................. SUCCESS [8.105s]
OpenEJB :: iTests Interceptor Beans ................... SUCCESS [0.578s]
OpenEJB :: iTests App ................................. SUCCESS [4.260s]
OpenEJB :: iTests Web ................................. SUCCESS [1.110s]
OpenEJB :: Container .................................. SUCCESS [0.050s]
OpenEJB :: Container :: API ........................... SUCCESS [0.316s]
OpenEJB :: Container :: Loader ........................ SUCCESS [1.050s]
OpenEJB :: Container :: Java Agent .................... SUCCESS [0.600s]
OpenEJB :: Container :: Java EE ....................... SUCCESS [11.098s]
OpenEJB :: Container :: Core .......................... SUCCESS [18.659s]
OpenEJB :: Container :: Spring ........................ SUCCESS [1.565s]
OpenEJB :: Container :: Core :: OSGi .................. SUCCESS [1.285s]
OpenEJB :: Container :: Core :: OSGi .................. SUCCESS [1.594s]
OpenEJB :: Container :: ActiveMQ4 ..................... SUCCESS [1.169s]
OpenEJB :: Container :: JUnit ......................... SUCCESS [1.321s]
OpenEJB :: Server ..................................... SUCCESS [0.085s]
OpenEJB :: Server :: Client ........................... SUCCESS [1.882s]
OpenEJB :: Server :: Core ............................. SUCCESS [1.311s]
OpenEJB :: Server :: Multicast Discovery .............. SUCCESS [0.835s]
OpenEJB :: Server :: EJBd ............................. SUCCESS [1.102s]
OpenEJB :: Server :: Admin ............................ SUCCESS [0.702s]
OpenEJB :: Server :: Http ............................. SUCCESS [1.228s]
OpenEJB :: Server :: WebAdmin ......................... SUCCESS [1.398s]
OpenEJB :: Server :: Telnet ........................... SUCCESS [0.839s]
OpenEJB :: Server :: ActiveMQ ......................... SUCCESS [0.475s]
OpenEJB :: Server :: CORBA ............................ SUCCESS [0.478s]
OpenEJB :: Server :: Derby Network Service ............ SUCCESS [0.643s]
OpenEJB :: Server :: Hsql ............................. SUCCESS [0.700s]
OpenEJB :: Server :: Webservices ...................... SUCCESS [1.289s]
OpenEJB :: Server :: Axis ............................. SUCCESS [1.588s]
OpenEJB :: Server :: Axis2 ............................ SUCCESS [9.477s]
OpenEJB :: Server :: CXF .............................. SUCCESS [2.384s]
OpenEJB :: Examples :: @ApplicationException inheritance SUCCESS [0.535s]
OpenEJB :: Examples :: Simple Stateful Pojo ........... SUCCESS [0.312s]
OpenEJB :: Examples :: Simple Stateless Pojo .......... SUCCESS [0.163s]
OpenEJB :: Examples :: Simple Stateless With Deployment Descriptor
SUCCESS [0.123s]
OpenEJB :: Examples :: Simple Singleton ............... SUCCESS [0.177s]
OpenEJB :: Examples :: Simple MDB Example ............. SUCCESS [0.145s]
OpenEJB :: Examples :: Simple MDB Using Deployment Descriptor Example
SUCCESS [0.133s]
OpenEJB :: Examples :: Simple CMP2 Entity ............. SUCCESS [0.201s]
OpenEJB :: Examples :: Simple Webservice .............. SUCCESS [0.523s]
OpenEJB :: Examples :: EJB 2.1 Component Interfaces ... SUCCESS [0.162s]
OpenEJB :: Examples :: @EJB Injection ................. SUCCESS [0.152s]
OpenEJB :: Examples :: @Resource env-entry Injection .. SUCCESS [0.414s]
OpenEJB :: Examples :: @Resource DataSource Injection . SUCCESS [0.211s]
OpenEJB :: Examples :: @PersistenceContext EntityManager Injection
SUCCESS [0.271s]
OpenEJB :: Examples :: @Resource javax.jms.ConnectionFactory SUCCESS [0.142s]
OpenEJB :: Examples :: Testing Transactions ........... SUCCESS [0.168s]
OpenEJB :: Examples :: Testing Security ............... SUCCESS [0.159s]
OpenEJB :: Examples :: Testing Security ............... SUCCESS [0.129s]
OpenEJB :: Examples :: TestCase Injection ............. SUCCESS [0.148s]
OpenEJB :: Examples :: Alternate Descriptors .......... SUCCESS [0.168s]
OpenEJB :: Examples :: Ear Testing .................... SUCCESS [0.820s]
OpenEJB :: Examples :: Ear Testing :: Business Model .. SUCCESS [0.170s]
OpenEJB :: Examples :: Ear Testing :: Business Logic .. SUCCESS [0.168s]
OpenEJB :: Examples :: Interceptors ................... SUCCESS [0.193s]
OpenEJB :: Examples :: Expanded support for Env Entries SUCCESS [0.207s]
OpenEJB :: Examples :: Hello World - Weblogic ......... SUCCESS [0.115s]
OpenEJB :: Examples :: JPA with Hibernate ............. SUCCESS [0.248s]
OpenEJB :: Examples :: JPA with EclipseLink ........... SUCCESS [0.327s]
OpenEJB :: Examples :: Spring Integration ............. SUCCESS [0.309s]
OpenEJB :: Examples :: Telephone Stateful Pojo ........ SUCCESS [0.324s]
Quartz App ............................................ SUCCESS [0.019s]
Quartz Resource Adapter ............................... SUCCESS [0.117s]
Quartz Beans .......................................... SUCCESS [0.246s]
OpenEJB :: Examples :: Webservice Attachments ......... SUCCESS [0.168s]
OpenEJB :: Web Examples :: EJB Examples War ........... SUCCESS [5.999s]
OpenEJB :: Web Examples :: EJB WebService ............. SUCCESS [0.293s]
OpenEJB :: Examples ................................... SUCCESS [0.086s]
OpenEJB :: Web Examples ............................... SUCCESS [0.117s]
OpenEJB :: Web Examples :: JSF with MyFaces ........... SUCCESS [3.766s]
OpenEJB :: Web Examples :: Struts ..................... SUCCESS [3.711s]
OpenEJB :: Web Examples :: EJB WebService ............. SUCCESS [0.462s]
OpenEJB :: Web Examples :: EJB WebService with Security SUCCESS [0.328s]
OpenEJB :: Web Examples :: EJB WebService with WS-Security SUCCESS [8.771s]
OpenEJB :: Examples :: Webservice Inheritance ......... SUCCESS [0.251s]
OpenEJB :: Examples :: Transaction Rollback ........... SUCCESS [0.184s]
OpenEJB :: Examples :: Troubleshooting ................ SUCCESS [0.298s]
OpenEJB :: Assembly ................................... SUCCESS [0.050s]
OpenEJB :: Assembly :: WebApp :: Common ............... SUCCESS [0.892s]
OpenEJB :: Assembly :: iTests Standalone Client ....... SUCCESS [33.361s]
OpenEJB :: Assembly :: Standalone ..................... SUCCESS [1:15.053s]
OpenEJB :: Assembly :: Tomcat ......................... SUCCESS [0.082s]
OpenEJB :: Assembly :: Tomcat :: Loader ............... SUCCESS [0.375s]
OpenEJB :: Assembly :: Tomcat :: Common ............... SUCCESS [2.010s]
OpenEJB :: Assembly :: Tomcat :: Catalina ............. SUCCESS [8.560s]
OpenEJB :: Assembly :: Tomcat :: Webapp ............... SUCCESS [15.255s]
OpenEJB :: Assembly :: Tomcat :: Bundle ............... SUCCESS [44.881s]
OpenEJB :: Assembly :: Jetty .......................... SUCCESS [0.267s]
OpenEJB :: Assembly :: Jetty :: Loader ................ SUCCESS [0.221s]
OpenEJB :: Assembly :: Jetty :: Common ................ SUCCESS [0.455s]
OpenEJB :: Assembly :: Jetty :: Webapp ................ SUCCESS [8.406s]
OpenEJB :: Assembly :: Webapp ......................... SUCCESS [7.104s]
OpenEJB :: Assembly :: Java EE API Libraries .......... SUCCESS [1.787s]
Total time: 5 minutes 40 seconds
Finished at: Sat Jun 19 20:49:51 CEST 2010
Final Memory: 153M/338M
# Running
Provided you have successfully built OpenEJB with the assemble option
turned on, you can find assemblies in the *target* directories beneath the
*assembly* directory of each custom assembly. Go to the assembly directory
and have a look at its content.
jacek@devmac /Users/jacek/oss/openejb3/assembly
$ ls -l
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 6 jacek staff 204 Jun 19 20:49 javaee-api-libs
drwxr-xr-x 6 jacek staff 204 Jun 19 20:46
drwxr-xr-x 8 jacek staff 272 Jun 19 20:49 openejb-jetty
drwxr-xr-x 9 jacek staff 306 Jun 19 20:47 openejb-standalone
drwxr-xr-x 12 jacek staff 408 Jun 19 20:48 openejb-tomcat
drwxr-xr-x 6 jacek staff 204 Jun 19 20:49 openejb-webapp
drwxr-xr-x 6 jacek staff 204 Jun 19 20:46 openejb-webapp-common
-rw-r--r-- 1 jacek staff 1726 Jun 1 22:51 pom.xml
drwxr-xr-x 4 jacek staff 136 Jun 19 20:46 target
drwxr-xr-x 4 jacek staff 136 Jun 1 22:51 test
The most common choice is to go to openejb-standalone which is exactly what
the name stands for - it lets you get OpenEJB up and running from a command
line with no additional configuration - in other words you can play with
your EJBs right away. Looking at the *openejb-standalone/target* directory
reveals the tar.gz'ed and zip'ed distributions. Unpack one and give it a
jacek@devmac /Users/jacek/oss/openejb3/assembly/openejb-standalone/target
$ jar -xvf openejb-3.2-SNAPSHOT.zip
created: openejb-3.2-SNAPSHOT/
jacek@devmac /Users/jacek/oss/openejb3/assembly/openejb-standalone/target
$ cd openejb-3.2-SNAPSHOT
$ chmod +x ./bin/openejb
$ ./bin/openejb start
ERROR - Logging may not operate as expected. The directories for the
following files do not exist so no file can be created. See the list
ERROR - [0]
ERROR - [1]
Apache OpenEJB 3.2-SNAPSHOT build: 20100619-08:45
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
OpenEJB Remote Server
Jun 19, 2010 9:00:58 PM org.apache.cxf.bus.spring.BusApplicationContext
INFO: No cxf.xml configuration file detected, relying on defaults.
** Starting Services **
httpejbd 4204
admin thread 4200
ejbd 4201
ejbd 4203
hsql 9001
telnet 4202
There's another, slightly less error-prone approach using a shell script -
_try.sh_ - that's tailor-made for that particular task - running OpenEJB 3
right after it's been built locally. No need to remember these
aforementioned steps but the mere name of the script itself
jacek@devmac /Users/jacek/oss/openejb3/assembly/openejb-standalone
$ ./try.sh
x openejb-3.2-SNAPSHOT/lib/xmlsec-1.4.3.jar
ERROR - Logging may not operate as expected. The directories for the
following files do not exist so no file can be created. See the list
ERROR - [0]
ERROR - [1]
Apache OpenEJB 3.2-SNAPSHOT build: 20100619-08:45
2010-06-19 21:09:35,780 - INFO - openejb.home =
2010-06-19 21:09:35,782 - INFO - openejb.base =
2010-06-19 21:09:53,376 - INFO - [Server@230cc23b]
: [Thread[main,5,main]
]: checkRunning(false) entered
2010-06-19 21:09:53,376 - INFO - [Server@230cc23b]
: [Thread[main,5,main]
]: checkRunning(false) exited
** Starting Services **
httpejbd 4204
admin thread 4200
ejbd 4201
ejbd 4203
2010-06-19 21:09:54,475 - INFO - [Server@230cc23b]
: Initiating startup sequence...
2010-06-19 21:09:54,479 - INFO - [Server@230cc23b]
: Server socket opened successfully in 1 ms.
2010-06-19 21:09:54,651 - INFO - [Server@230cc23b]
: Database [index=0, id=0, db=file:/Users/jacek/oss/openejb3/assembly/openejb-standalone/target/openejb-3.2-SNAPSHOT/data/hsqldb/hsqldb, alias=hsqldb]
opened sucessfully in 171 ms.
2010-06-19 21:09:54,651 - INFO - [Server@230cc23b]
: Startup sequence completed in 175 ms.
2010-06-19 21:09:54,656 - INFO - [Server@230cc23b]
: 2010-06-19 21:09:54.656 HSQLDB server 1.8.0 is online
2010-06-19 21:09:54,656 - INFO - [Server@230cc23b]
: To close normally, connect and execute SHUTDOWN SQL
2010-06-19 21:09:54,656 - INFO - [Server@230cc23b]
: From command line, use [Ctrl]
+[C] to abort abruptly
hsql 9001
telnet 4202
The old 2 finger salute - Ctrl-C - stops the OpenEJB instance.
# Debugging
Once you have built the source, you may debug it by starting OpenEJB with
debug options. There are essentially two modes of operation.
Debug without suspending, so that the server can fully start up, and be
debugged at any point you wish. If you are in the directory where you
extracted the assembly to, just issue the following command...
./bin/openejb start
Debug and suspend until a debugger has been attached. This is helpful if
the code that is to be debugged happens to be some of the startup code. The
following command would achieve this mode...
./bin/openejb start
Once either mode is started, just attach your favourite development IDE or
debugger, and away you go.