{composition-setup} {composition-setup} h1. Overview The manual installation process is significantly harder then the [automatic installation|Tomcat] which we normally recommend. In this installation process you will do the following: # Install openejb.war ## Download openejb.war from the [OpenEJB download page|http://people.apache.org/~dain/openejb-temp] ## Make webapps/openejb directory ## Change to new webapps/openejb directory ## Unpack the openejb.war file in the new directory # Add the OpenEJB listener the conf/server.xml file # Update the non-compliant Tomcat annotations-api.jar # Add the OpenEJB JavaAgent to the bin/catalina.bat or bin/catalina.bat script h1. {anchor:install-openejb}Install openejb.war Once Tomcat has been [installed|Tomcat Installation], the OpenEJB plugin for Tomcat can be installed. The war can be obtained from the [OpenEJB download page|http://people.apache.org/~dain/openejb-temp]. The commands in this example are executed from within the Tomcat installation directory. h2. Unpack OpenEJB Tomcat plugin in Tomcat webapps directory {warning:title=Be Careful}This is the most error prone step. A web application does not contain a root directory, so if you unpack it in the wrong directory, it is difficult to undo. Please, follow this step closely, and most importantly *make sure you execute the unpack command from within the new webapps/openejb directory*.{warning} Due to the structure of war files, you must create a new directory for OpenEJB, change to the new directory and execute the unpack command from within the new directory. If you get this wrong, it is difficult to undo, so follow the steps closely. {deck:id=unpack tomcat} {card:label=Windows}{noformat:nopanel=true} C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.14>mkdir webapps\openejb C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.14>cd webapps\openejb C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.14\webapps\openejb>jar -xvf \openejb.war created: WEB-INF/ created: WEB-INF/classes/ created: WEB-INF/classes/org/ created: WEB-INF/classes/org/apache/ created: WEB-INF/classes/org/apache/openejb/ ...snip... C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.14\webapps\openejb>dir Volume in drive C has no label. Volume Serial Number is 0000-0000 Directory of C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.14\webapps\openejb 09/21/2007 10:19 AM