Title: Latest Unstable
# Good to know
*First-time Users* of OpenEJB should try out a stable release unless
otherwise noted.
*People currently in development* with OpenEJB are encouraged to try out
unstable builds from time to time and get us feedback. This really helps
us increase the stability of our official releases and reduce surprises to
you when upgrading.
*Builds will be deleted* and are only available till the next official
release comes out, then it will disappear. This includes unstable jars
published to our maven repo and ibiblio.org's maven repo.
[Watch This Page](http://docs.codehaus.org/pages/addpagenotification.action?pageId=32806)
for an easy way to be notified when new unstable builds are published.
# Download
[OpenEJB 1.1 20060421 ](latest-unstable.html)
- April 21st, 2006
* [openejb-1.1-20060421.zip](http://openejb.org/unstable/v1.1-20060421/openejb-1.1-20060421.zip)
* [openejb-1.1-20060421.tar.gz](http://openejb.org/unstable/v1.1-20060421/openejb-1.1-20060421.tar.gz)
* [openejb-1.1-20060421-src.zip](http://openejb.org/unstable/v1.1-20060421/openejb-1.1-20060421-src.zip)
* [openejb-1.1-20060421-src.tar.gz](http://openejb.org/unstable/v1.1-20060421/openejb-1.1-20060421-src.tar.gz)
# Changelog