{panel:title=EJB3 Examples} Looking for an example of how to use an EJB 3.0 or OpenEJB feature? Check out the newly revised [examples|OPENEJBx30:Examples]. Examples include: - [Stateless|OPENEJBx30:Simple Stateless Example] - [Stateful|OPENEJBx30:Simple Stateful Example] - [Dependency Injection|OPENEJBx30:Custom Injection] - [Java Persistence API|OPENEJBx30:Injection of EntityManager Example] - [Transaction|OPENEJBx30:Testing Transactions Example] - [Security|OPENEJBx30:Testing Security Example] - [...and more|OPENEJBx30:Examples] {panel} {panel:title=OpenEJB Forums} The Nabble site as wonderful support for turning regular mailing lists into online forums. We've setup OpenEJB and our forums are now open for business. You can easily search and post to any of our mailing lists via any of the links below: - [OpenEJB Dev Forum|http://openejb.979440.n4.nabble.com/OpenEJB-Dev-f982480.html] - [OpenEJB User Forum|http://openejb.979440.n4.nabble.com/OpenEJB-User-f979441.html] {panel} {html}
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