h1. Common Vendors
The drivers are included with OpenEJB 3.0 and HSQLDB is the default database.
JdbcDriver org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
JdbcUrl jdbc:hsqldb:file:hsqldb
UserName sa
h2. Derby (Embedded)
#Embedded Derby example
JdbcDriver org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver
JdbcUrl jdbc:derby:derbyDB;create=true
UserName admin
Password pass
h2. MySQL
# MySQL example
# This connector will not work until you download the driver at:
# http://www.mysql.com/downloads/api-jdbc-stable.html
JdbcDriver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
JdbcUrl jdbc:mysql://localhost/test
UserName test
h2. Oracle
# Oracle example
# This connector will not work until you download the driver at:
# http://otn.oracle.com/software/tech/java/sqlj_jdbc/content.html
JdbcDriver oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
JdbcUrl jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl
UserName scott
Password tiger
h2. PosgreSQL
# PostgreSQL example
# This connector will not work until you download the driver at:
# http://jdbc.postgresql.org/download.html
JdbcDriver org.postgresql.Driver
JdbcUrl jdbc:postgresql://localhost/test
UserName postgres
Password pass
h2. InstantDB
# InstantDB example
JdbcDriver org.enhydra.instantdb.jdbc.idbDriver
JdbcUrl jdbc:idb:conf/instantdb.properties
UserName Admin
Password pass
Internally, OpenEJB relies on Apache Commons DBCP to manage DataSources. To get the full list of available configuration properties, have a look to [Apache Commons DBCP configuration|http://commons.apache.org/dbcp/configuration.html|Apache Commons DBCP configuration].