Title: Annotations, XML and Defaults The following is a list of all annotations and their attributes, the xml tags that correspond to them (for overriding), and what the default values are when left unspecified. * * Stateless | | * * Stateful | | * * Stateful | | * | The home is inspected to determine the value of | * | The local-home is inspected to determine the value of | * | All method default to TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED (xml value "Required") | * | | * | All methods default to unchecked | * * | | * * | | * | | * | | * | | * * | | * on field: \{className}/\{fieldName} as in *org.superbiz.Widget/myEjb* * on setter: \{className}/\{propertyName} as in setMyEjb() defaults to *org.superbiz.Widget/myEjb* | * * * | * on class: illegal to leave undefined * on field: the data type of the field * on setter: the data type of the first method param | * * * | | * * | * on class: illegal to leave undefined * on field: \{className}/\{fieldName} as in *org.superbiz.Widget/myDataSource* * on setter: \{className}/\{propertyName} as in setMyDataSource() defaults to *org.superbiz.Widget/myDataSource* | * * | * on class: illegal to leave undefined * on field: the data type of the field * on setter: the data type of the first method param | * | | * on field: \{className}/\{fieldName} as in *org.superbiz.Widget/myUnit* * on setter: \{className}/\{propertyName} as in setMyUnit() defaults to *org.superbiz.Widget/myUnit* | * | | * on field: \{className}/\{fieldName} as in *org.superbiz.Widget/myContext* * on setter: \{className}/\{propertyName} as in setMyContext() defaults to *org.superbiz.Widget/myContext* |
Annotation xml element(s) default value
@Stateless *
- name The simple name of the bean class. For _org.acme.superfun.WidgetBean_ the ejb-name will be *WidgetBean*
- description
- mappedName
@Stateful *
- name The simple name of the bean class. For _org.acme.superfun.WidgetBean_ the ejb-name will be *WidgetBean*
- description
- mappedName
@MessageDriven *
- name The simple name of the bean class. For _org.acme.superfun.WidgetBean_ the ejb-name will be *WidgetBean*
- description
- mappedName
- messageListenerInterface The interface the bean class implements. When relying upon the default is illegal for the bean to implement more than one interface
- activationConfig\[](.html)
- propertyName
- propertyValue
@RemoteHome *
@LocalHome *
@TransactionManagement TransactionManagementType.CONTAINER (xml value "Container")
@TransactionAttribute *
@RolesAllowed *
@PermitAll *
@RunAs *
@Interceptors *
@ExcludeDefaultInterceptors *
@ExcludeClassInterceptors *
- retainIfException false
@ApplicationException *
- rollback false
@EJB *
- name * * on class: illegal to leave undefined
- beanInterface *
- beanName
- description
- mappedName
@Resource *
- name *
- type *
- description
- mappedName
- shareable true (xml value "Shareable")
- authenticationType AuthenticationType.CONTAINER (xml value "Container")
@PersistenceUnit *
- name on class: illegal to leave undefined
- unitName vendor specific
@PersistenceContext *
- name on class: illegal to leave undefined
- unitName vendor specific
- type PersistenceContextType.TRANSACTION (xml value "Transaction")
- properties[](.html)
- name
- value