Class SetNextNamingRule


public class SetNextNamingRule extends Rule
Rule implementation that calls a method on the (top-1) (parent) object, passing the top object (child) as an argument. It is commonly used to establish parent-child relationships.

This rule now supports more flexible method matching by default. It is possible that this may break (some) code written against release 1.1.1 or earlier.

  • Field Details

    • methodName

      protected final String methodName
      The method name to call on the parent object.
    • paramType

      protected final String paramType
      The Java class name of the parameter type expected by the method.
  • Constructor Details

    • SetNextNamingRule

      public SetNextNamingRule(String methodName, String paramType)
      Construct a "set next" rule with the specified method name.
      methodName - Method name of the parent method to call
      paramType - Java class of the parent method's argument (if you wish to use a primitive type, specify the corresponding Java wrapper class instead, such as java.lang.Boolean for a boolean parameter)
  • Method Details

    • end

      public void end(String namespace, String name) throws Exception
      Description copied from class: Rule
      This method is called when the end of a matching XML element is encountered. The default implementation is a NO-OP.
      end in class Rule
      namespace - the namespace URI of the matching element, or an empty string if the parser is not namespace aware or the element has no namespace
      name - the local name if the parser is namespace aware, or just the element name otherwise
      Exception - if an error occurs while processing the event
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object