<% if (request.getParameter("logoff") != null) { session.invalidate(); response.sendRedirect("index.jsp"); return; } %> Protected Page for Examples You are logged in as remote user <%= request.getRemoteUser() %> in session <%= session.getId() %>

<% if (request.getUserPrincipal() != null) { %> Your user principal name is <%= request.getUserPrincipal().getName() %>

<% } else { %> No user principal could be identified.

<% } %> <% String role = request.getParameter("role"); if (role == null) role = ""; if (role.length() > 0) { if (request.isUserInRole(role)) { %> You have been granted role <%= util.HTMLFilter.filter(role) %>

<% } else { %> You have not been granted role <%= util.HTMLFilter.filter(role) %>

<% } } %> To check whether your username has been granted a particular role, enter it here:

If you have configured this app for form-based authentication, you can log off by clicking here. This should cause you to be returned to the logon page after the redirect that is performed.