Watchdog Compatibility Test Suite ================================= This subproject contains the source code for the Watchdog compatibility test suite (CTS), which tests servlet containers for compliance with the Java Servlet API Specification (version 2.2) and the JavaServer Pages Specification (version 1.1). Installing and Building Watchdog ================================ In order to successfully build the Watchdog CTS, you will need to do the following. In the instructions below, $JAKARTA_HOME is assumed to be the directory into which you are installing all of the required distributions. * Download and install a version 1.1 or later Java Development Kit implementation for your operating system platform. Set a "JAVA_HOME" environment variable to point at the directory where your JDK is installed, and add "$JAVA_HOME/bin" to your PATH. Configure the CLASSPATH environment variable as well, if required. * Download and install the Java API for XML Parsing implementation (current version number is 1.0) from . Make sure that the "jaxp.jar" and "parser.jar" files are on your class path. (NOTE: In the future it will be possible to use any JAXP-compliant parser). * Download and install the Ant distribution (subproject "jakarta-ant") into a directory named "$JAKARTA_HOME/jakarta-ant". If you have downloaded the source distribution, you will need to build the executable version by executing the following commands: cd $JAKARTA_HOME/jakarta-ant ./ <-- Unix bootstrap <-- Windows This should result in the creation of a file "ant.jar" in the "lib" subdirectory, which will be used when building Watchdog. * Download and install the Servletapi distribution (subproject "jakarta-servletapi") into a subdirectory named "$JAKARTA_HOME/jakarta-servletapi". If you have downloaded the source distribution, you will need to build the executable version by executing the following commands: cd $JAKARTA_HOME/jakarta-servletapi ./ dist <-- Unix build dist <-- Windows This should result in the creation of a file "servlet.jar" in the "lib" subdirectory, which will be used when building Watchdog. * Download and install the Tools distribution (subproject "jakarta-tools") into a subdirectory named "$JAKARTA_HOME/jakarta-tools". If you have downloaded the source distribution, you will need to build the executable version by executing the following commands: cd $JAKARTA_HOME/jakarta-tools/ ./ <-- Unix build <-- Windows * Optionally, you can download and install Tomcat to practice running Watchdog tests against (the instructions below illustrate how). To do this, download and install the Tomcat distribution (subproject "jakarta-tomcat") into a subdirectory named "$JAKARTA_HOME/jakarta-tomcat". If you have downloaded the source distribution, you will need to build the executable version by executing the following commands: cd $JAKARTA_HOME/jakarta-tomcat ./ dist <-- Unix build dist <-- Windows This will result in a binary distribution version of Tomcat being built in directory "$JAKARTA_HOME/dist/tomcat", which can be used to practice executing the Watchdog tests, as described below. * Download and install the Watchdog source distribution (subproject "jakarta-watchdog") into a subdirectory named "$JAKARTA_HOME/jakarta-watchdog". To build the executable version of Watchdog, execute the following commands: cd $JAKARTA_HOME/jakarta-watchdog ./ dist <-- Unix build dist <-- Windows This will result in a binary distribution version of Watchdog being built in directory "$JAKARTA_HOME/dist/watchdog", which can be used to execute the tests against your servlet container as described below. Running the Watchdog CTS ======================== The Watchdog tests are executed by deploying two web applications (one for servlet tests and one for JSP tests) into your servlet container, and then executing an appropriate shell script. The illustrations below assume that you are running the tests against Tomcat -- make the appropriate changes in procedures to test your own container. The steps are as follows: * Deploy the two web applications into your servlet container. If you have downloaded and built the Tomcat source distribution, you would do this: cd $JAKARTA_HOME/dist/watchdog/webapps cp *.war ../../tomcat/webapps * Start your servlet container. If you have downloaded and built the Tomcat source distribution, you would do this: cd $JAKARTA_HOME/dist/tomcat bin/ <-- Unix bin\startup <-- Windows * Execute the servlet test suite. The default scripts assume you are running against a servlet container at http://localhost:8080 with the test suite deployed, but the server name and port can be added as arguments. cd $JAKARTA_HOME/dist/watchdog/bin ./ servet [hostname] [port] <-- Unix watchdog servlet [hostname] [port] <-- Windows * Execute the JSP test suite. The default scripts assume you are running against a servlet container at http://localhost:8080 with the test suite deployed, but the server name and port can be added as arguments. cd $JAKARTA_HOME/dist/watchdog/bin ./ jsp [hostname] [port] <-- Unix watchdog jsp [hostname] [port] <-- Windows * If you modify the tests and wish to re-execute them, be sure to restart your servlet container and redeploy the tests (rerunning the tests without a restart will cause some tests to fail). For Tomcat, you will need to delete the "expanded" versions of the two web applications in order for the new war files to be deployed, as follows: cd $JAKARTA_HOME/dist/tomcat/webapps rm -rf jsp-tests rm -rf servlet-tests Before Committing Changes ========================= Before committing any changes to the Watchdog CVS repository, you MUST do a "build clean" followed by a "build dist" to ensure that the build process runs cleanly, and you must ensure that the tests run correctly.