# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. hostManagerServlet.alreadyStarted = FALLO - La m\u00E1qiuina [{0}] ya ha arrancado hostManagerServlet.alreadyStopped = FALLO - La m\u00E1quina [{0}] ya se ha parado hostManagerServlet.appBaseCreateFail = FALLO - No pude crear appBase [{0}] para la m\u00E1quina [{1}] hostManagerServlet.configBaseCreateFail = FALLO - No pude identificar configBase para la m\u00E1quina [{0}] hostManagerServlet.noCommand = FALLO - No se ha especificado comando hostManagerServlet.postCommand = FALLO - Intent\u00E9 usar el comando [{0}] v\u00EDa un requerimiento GET pero es necesario POST hostManagerServlet.unknownCommand = FALLO - Comando desconocido [{0}] hostManagerServlet.noWrapper = El contenedor no ha llamado a setWrapper() para este servlet hostManagerServlet.invalidHostName = FALLO - Se ha especificado un nombre inv\u00E1lido de m\u00E1quina [{0}] hostManagerServlet.noHost = FALLO - El nombre de m\u00E1quina [{0}] no existe hostManagerServlet.alreadyHost = FALLO - Ya existe m\u00E1quina con nombre de m\u00E1quina [{0}] hostManagerServlet.managerXml = FALLO - no pude instalar manager.xml hostManagerServlet.exception = FALLO - Encontrada excepci\u00F3n [{0}] hostManagerServlet.add = a\u00F1adir: A\u00F1adiendo m\u00E1quina [{0}] hostManagerServlet.addFailed = FALLO - No pude a\u00F1adir m\u00E1quina [{0}] hostManagerServlet.cannotRemoveOwnHost = FALLO - No puedo quitar m\u00E1quina propia [{0}] hostManagerServlet.remove = quitar: Quitando m\u00E1quina [{0}] hostManagerServlet.removeFailed = FALLO - No pude quitar m\u00E1quina [{0}] hostManagerServlet.listed = OK - M\u00E1quinas listadas hostManagerServlet.listitem = [{0}]:[{1}] hostManagerServlet.cannotStartOwnHost = FALLO - No puedo empezar m\u00E1quina propia [{0}] hostManagerServlet.started = OK - M\u00E1quina [{0}] arrancada hostManagerServlet.startFailed = FALLO - No pude arrancar m\u00E1quina [{0}] hostManagerServlet.cannotStopOwnHost = FALLO - No puedo para m\u00E1quina propia [{0}] hostManagerServlet.stopped = OK - M\u00E1quina [{0}] parada hostManagerServlet.stopFailed = FALLO - No pude parar m\u00E1quina [{0}] hostManagerServlet.add = a\u00F1adir: A\u00F1adiendo m\u00E1quina [{0}] hostManagerServlet.remove = quitar: Quitando m\u00E1quina [{0}] hostManagerServlet.list = listar: Listando m\u00E1quinas para motor [{0}] hostManagerServlet.start = arrancar: Arrancando m\u00E1quina con nombre [{0}] hostManagerServlet.stop = parar: Parando m\u00E1quina con nombre [{0}] htmlHostManagerServlet.title = Gestor de M\u00E1quina Virtual de Tomcat htmlHostManagerServlet.messageLabel = Mensaje: htmlHostManagerServlet.manager = Gestor de M\u00E1quina htmlHostManagerServlet.list = Lista de M\u00E1quinas Virtuales htmlHostManagerServlet.helpHtmlManagerFile = html-host-manager-howto.html htmlHostManagerServlet.helpHtmlManager = Ayuda de Gestor de M\u00E1quina HTML (\u00A1En breve!) htmlHostManagerServlet.helpManagerFile = ../docs/host-manager-howto.html htmlHostManagerServlet.helpManager = Ayuda de Gestor de M\u00E1quina htmlHostManagerServlet.hostName = Nombre de M\u00E1quina htmlHostManagerServlet.hostAliases = Aliases de M\u00E1quina htmlHostManagerServlet.hostTasks = Comandos htmlHostManagerServlet.hostsStart = Iniciar htmlHostManagerServlet.hostsStop = Parar htmlHostManagerServlet.hostsRemove = Quitar htmlHostManagerServlet.hostThis = Instalado Gestor de M\u00E1quinas - comandos deactivados htmlHostManagerServlet.addTitle = A\u00F1adir M\u00E1quina Virtual htmlHostManagerServlet.addHost = M\u00E1quina htmlHostManagerServlet.addName = Nombre: htmlHostManagerServlet.addAliases = Aliases: htmlHostManagerServlet.addAppBase = App base: htmlHostManagerServlet.addManager = App de Gestor htmlHostManagerServlet.addAutoDeploy = AutoDeploy htmlHostManagerServlet.addDeployOnStartup = DeployOnStartup htmlHostManagerServlet.addDeployXML = DeployXML htmlHostManagerServlet.addUnpackWARs = UnpackWARs htmlHostManagerServlet.addButton = A\u00F1adir htmlHostManagerServlet.serverTitle = Informaci\u00F3n de Servidor htmlHostManagerServlet.serverVersion = Versi\u00F3n de Tomcat htmlHostManagerServlet.serverJVMVersion = Versi\u00F3n de JVM htmlHostManagerServlet.serverJVMVendor = Vendedor JVM htmlHostManagerServlet.serverOSName = Nombre de SO htmlHostManagerServlet.serverOSVersion = Versi\u00F3n de SO htmlHostManagerServlet.serverOSArch = Arquitectura de SO statusServlet.title = Estado de Servidor statusServlet.complete = Completar Estado de Servidor