# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. abstractReplicatedMap.init.start=Initializing AbstractReplicatedMap with context name:[{0}] abstractReplicatedMap.unableSend.startMessage=Unable to send map start message. abstractReplicatedMap.unableStart=Unable to start replicated map. abstractReplicatedMap.init.completed=AbstractReplicatedMap[{0}] initialization was completed in [{1}] ms. abstractReplicatedMap.broadcast.noReplies=broadcast received 0 replies, probably a timeout. abstractReplicatedMap.unable.diffObject=Unable to diff object. Will replicate the entire object instead. abstractReplicatedMap.unable.replicate=Unable to replicate data. abstractReplicatedMap.transferState.noReplies=Transfer state, 0 replies, probably a timeout. abstractReplicatedMap.unable.transferState=Unable to transfer AbstractReplicatedMap state. abstractReplicatedMap.unable.deserialize.MapMessage=Unable to deserialize MapMessage. abstractReplicatedMap.unableApply.diff=Unable to apply diff to key:[{0}] abstractReplicatedMap.unableSelect.backup=Unable to select backup node. abstractReplicatedMap.member.disappeared=Member[{0}] disappeared. Related map entries will be relocated to the new node. abstractReplicatedMap.unable.relocate=Unable to relocate[{0}] to a new backup node abstractReplicatedMap.relocate.complete=Relocation of map entries was complete in [{0}] ms. abstractReplicatedMap.heartbeat.failed=Unable to send AbstractReplicatedMap.ping message abstractReplicatedMap.unable.remove=Unable to replicate out data for a AbstractReplicatedMap.remove operation abstractReplicatedMap.unable.retrieve=Unable to retrieve remote object for key:[{0}] abstractReplicatedMap.unable.get=Unable to replicate out data for a AbstractReplicatedMap.get operation abstractReplicatedMap.unable.put=Unable to replicate out data for a AbstractReplicatedMap.put operation abstractReplicatedMap.unsupport.operation=This operation is not valid on a replicated map abstractReplicatedMap.mapMemberAdded.nullMember=Notified member is not registered in the membership:[{0}]. abstractReplicatedMap.mapMemberAdded.added=Map member added:[{0}] abstractReplicatedMap.leftOver.pingMsg=PING message has been received beyond the timeout period. The map member[{0}] might have been removed from the map membership. abstractReplicatedMap.leftOver.ignored=Message[{0}] is ignored. abstractReplicatedMap.mapMember.unavailable=Member[{0}] is not available yet. abstractReplicatedMap.ping.timeout=Member[{0}] in the Map[{1}] has timed-out in the ping processing. mapMessage.deserialize.error.key=Deserialization error of the MapMessage.key mapMessage.deserialize.error.value=Deserialization error of the MapMessage.value lazyReplicatedMap.unableReplicate.backup=Unable to replicate backup key:[{0}] to backup:[{1}]. Reason:[{2}] lazyReplicatedMap.unableReplicate.proxy=Unable to replicate proxy key:[{0}] to backup:[{1}]. Reason:[{2}] replicatedMap.member.disappeared=Member[{0}] disappeared. Related map entries will be relocated to the new node. replicatedMap.unable.relocate=Unable to relocate[{0}] to a new backup node replicatedMap.relocate.complete=Relocation of map entries was complete in [{0}] ms. replicatedMap.unableReplicate.completely=Unable to replicate backup key:[{0}]. Success nodes:[{1}]. Failed nodes:[{2}].