$Id$ Release Plan for Apache Tomcat 4.1 ================================== Introduction: ------------ This document is a release plan for the *final* release of Apache Tomcat 4.1. The goal of the Apache Tomcat 4.1 final release is to provide a stable container that supports 100% of the mandatory requirements of the Servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2 specifications, as well as to improve and add many useful additional features on top of the existing Apache Tomcat 4.0 releases. Apache Tomcat 4.1 includes the following major new features over Apache Tomcat 4.0: * JMX based administration features * JSP and Struts based administration web application * New Coyote HTTP/1.1 connector * New Coyote JK2 AJP 1.4 connector * Rewritten Jasper JSP page compiler * Performance and memory efficiency improvements * Enhanced manager application support for integration with development tools. * Custom Ant tasks to interact with the manager application directly from build.xml scripts. * Many other miscanellous improvements Apache Tomcat 4.1 will use the build numbering and release process first used in the Apache HTTPd 2.0.x project. Milestone builds, numbered 4.1.x, will be released as needed and will recieve a stability rating after a one week testing period. The rating can be either: Alpha, Beta, or Stable. This Release Plan proposes the following schedule: Friday, April 26, 2002 Apache Tomcat 4.1.0 In order to complete final release, all outstanding Bugzilla bug reports against Tomcat 4.1 above NORMAL severity need to be fixed or deferred for later releases. This Release Plan proposes the following classification of current outstanding bug reports in the bug tracking system, sorted by component and their ID numbers in our bug tracking system at: http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/ Please review the bug reports, and their classification as "must have", "nice to have", or "address later". Lobbying for changes in classification can take place on the TOMCAT-DEV mailing list. In addition, if you have a bug report or enhancement that you wish to have considered prior to final release, please submit a bug report as quickly as possible. Bugs That Must Be Addressed Before Final Release: ------------------------------------------------ Catalina -------- 5735 HTTP connector running out of processors under heavy load 5829 StandardManager needs to cope with sessions throwing exception in read/write 5895 Not all sessions receives HttpSessionListener.sessionDestroyed(event) using FileStore 7656 Webapplications deployed using PUT don't survive a tomcat restart 8087 HttpSessionAttributeListener.attributeRemoved() not working with URLRewriting Jasper ------ 4964 popBody() is called before doEndTag() is called in a BodyTag 5793 variable element in tld with TagExtraInfo class 7059 Jasper compiler holds pointers to jars in WEB-INF/lib: cannot delete 7989 and ignore information from Nice To Have Fixes Before Final Release: --------------------------------------- Catalina -------- 4350 SSLAuthenticator did not associate SSO session 5199 in section not correct 5352 JDBCRealm does not work with CLIENT-CERT auth-method 5551 MANAGER: add system information query 5603 ServletContext.getResourcePaths() returns extra slashes 5704 CgiServlet corrupting images? 5758 Server-side includes do not work properly 5762 CGI servlet misses to include port number in HTTP_HOST environment variable 5764 Key Information Missing--Automatic Application Deployment 5858 Add tomcat dir to java.library.path 5899 HTTP POST parameters ignored in CGIServlet.java 6185 JNDIRealm working with IPlanet 5.1 6206 Sixteen Lifecycle implementers disagree with Lifecycle API docs 6229 Need way to specify where to write catalina.out 6281 JDBCRealm+Form Login+URL re-writing session=broken 6299 SSI problem with multiple include statements in one file 6431 JNDIRealm.getRoles() should return more than a single role attribute 6797 Class loader fails if it can't read entire tree upto a classfile 6884 Need Better Error Handling in WebappClassLoader.validateJarFile 7043 database user and password for JDBC Based Store 7080 Interbase JDBCRealm - Bug # 5564 - Have a safe fix 7082 Calling an RMI Server from a servlet produces stack trace 7116 JDBC realm doesn't handle NULLpasswords 7139 Typo in manager.xml documentation 7359 Classloader problems with RMI 7360 res-sharing-scope not supported 7445 Can not set verbosity property of the FileLogger via server.xml configuration file 7984 class org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger should be public 8323 No support for running the 64 bit JVM Jasper ------ 6858 Easy & Significant Performance Improvement 7160 Jasper compiles files to same classname 7993 parameters in for jsp Document do not work 8005 Bad Param passing with jsp:include 8290 Problem in the code generated by jasper 2 Unconfirmed Bugs (Awaiting Reproducible Failure Case): -----------------------------------------------------