Jasper as an independent component

Migration from tomcat-3.x to tomcat-4.0

In tomcat3.x, jasper had the following package dependencies with the servlet container code: These three directories were copied into jasper. Cleanup has been made in util to only keep the files needed by Jasper. The following dependencies are still remaining:


    public static final String SERVLET_CLASSPATH = "org.apache.catalina.jsp_classpath";
    public static final String SERVLET_CLASS_LOADER = "org.apache.catalina.classloader";
    public static final String ATTRIB_JSP_ProtectionDomain = "tomcat.context.jsp.protection_domain";

    The logger used to be initialized by the servlet container. We now
    need to make it work standalone.

Jasper published API

[From Proposal for Development of Jasper in Tomcat 4.0]

It shall be feasible for servlet containers (such as Tomcat) to support mechanisms for improved performance of the generated servlets that depend on internal knowledge of the JSP page compiler, the servlet classes that it generates, and the runtime support classes, if it chooses to do so. Therefore, key features and integration points of the generated servlet classes and runtime support classes shall be exposed through interfaces that can remain stable across enhancements to the Jasper code base.