WARNING: These instructions are not up-to-date.
See the README.txt file in the top-level source directory.

Install Software Prerequisites

In order to build Catalina, you will need to download and install the software components that it relies on, as follows. In the descriptions below, $JAKARTA_HOME is assumed to be the directory into which you are installing the required Jakarta modules. It is assumed that you are using CVS to access the Jakarta source code repositories, as described at http://jakarta.apache.org/getinvolved/cvsindex.html

Java Development Kit

Download and install a version 1.2 (or later) Java Development Kit (JDK) implementation for your operating system platform. Set a JAVA_HOME environment variable to point at the directory where your JDK is installed, and add $JAVA_HOME/bin to your PATH. In addition, configure the CLASSPATH environment variable as described below to reflect the other packages that are installed, or place the relevant JAR files into your JDK extensions directory ($JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext).

Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI)

If you are running a JDK earlier than version 1.3, download and install the current version of the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) package from http://java.sun.com/products/jndi. None of the JNDI providers are required (unless you need to use them in your own applications), but the jndi.jar file must be available on the class path or as a system extension.

JNDI JDBC DataSource support

If you want to build in support for JNDI JDBC DataSources you need to download the following packages and put their jar files in your classpath.

  • Tyrex http://tyrex.exolab.org/
  • Java Transaction API (JTA) http://java.sun.com/products/jta
  • Java JDBC 2.0 Optional Extensions http://java.sun.com/products/jdbc/
  • Java API for XML Parsing (JAXP)

    Download and install the current version of the Java API for XML Parsing (JAXP) implementation from http://java.sun.com/xml. Set an environment variable JAXP_HOME that points at the directory to which you installed the distribution.

    Java Secure Sockets Extension (JSSE)

    Download and install the current version of the Java Secure Sockets Extension (JSSE) implementation from http://java.sun.com/products/jsse. Set an environment variable JSSE_HOME that points at the directory to which you installed the distribution.

    Apache Ant

    Using CVS, check out the jakarta-ant module from the Jakarta CVS repository into $JAKARTA_HOME/jakarta-ant. Then, build Ant by executing the following:

        ./bootstrap.sh           <-- Unix
        bootstrap                <-- Windows

    Set an environment variable ANT_HOME that points at the directory where you installed the Ant module, if you placed it in any location other than $JAKARTA_HOME/jakarta-ant.

    Apache Regexp

    Using CVS, check out the jakarta-regexp module from the Jakarta CVS repository into $JAKARTA_HOME/jakarta-regexp. Then, build the regular expression library by executing the following:

        cd build
        ./build-regexp.sh        <-- Unix
        build-regexp             <-- Windows

    Set an environment variable REGEXP_HOME that points at the directory where you installed the Regexp module if you placed it in any location other than $JAKARTA_HOME/jakarta-regexp.

    Servlet API Classes

    Using CVS, check out the jakarta-servletapi module from the Jakarta CVS repository into $JAKARTA_HOME/jakarta-servletapi. Then, update to the branch containing the servlet 2.3 / JSP 1.2 classes (only need to do this once in a checked out directory) and build it:

        cd $JAKARTA_HOME/jakarta-servletapi      <-- Unix
        cvs update -r SERVLET_23_JSP_12          <-- Unix
        ./build.sh dist                          <-- Unix
        cd $JAKARTA_HOME\jakarta-serletapi       <-- Windows
        cvs update -r SERVLET_23_JSP_12          <-- Windows
        build dist                               <-- Windows

    Set an environment variable SERVLETAPI_HOME that points at the directory where you installed the Servletapi module if you placed it in any location other than $JAKARTA_HOME/jakarta-servletapi.

    Tomcat 4.0

    Using CVS, check out the jakarta-tomcat-4.0 module from the Jakarta CVS repository into $JAKARTA_HOME/jakarta-tomcat-4.0. The Catalina source code is in directory catalina in this module.

    Building Catalina

    To build a Tomcat that contains Catalina, Jasper, and the sample webapps, do the following:

        cd $JAKARTA_HOME/jakarta-tomcat-4.0      <-- Unix
        ./build.sh                               <-- Unix
        cd $JAKARTA_HOME\jakarta-tomcat-4.0      <-- Windows
        build                                    <-- Windows

    which will build into directory $JAKARTA_HOME/build/tomcat-4.0. You can create a distribution build (that matches the directory layout of the nightly builds) by adding a dist target to the build command.

    If you wish to build just the Catalina component, do this instead:

        cd $JAKARTA_HOME/jakarta-tomcat-4.0      <-- Unix
        cd catalina                              <-- Unix
        ./build.sh                               <-- Unix
        cd $JAKARTA_HOME\jakarta-tomcat-4.0      <-- Windows
        cd catalina                              <-- Windows
        build                                    <-- Windows

    which will build into directory $JAKARTA_HOME/build/catalina.

    Running Catalina

    If you have built a Tomcat build, you can test it as follows:

        cd $JAKARTA_HOME/build/tomcat-4.0         <-- Unix
        ./bin/catalina.sh start                   <-- Unix
        cd $JAKARTA_HOME\build\tomcat-4.0         <-- Windows
        .\bin\catalina start                      <-- Windows

    To access the default content and examples, access the following URL with your web browser:


    To shut down Tomcat, execute the following commands:

        cd $JAKARTA_HOME/build/tomcat-4.0         <-- Unix
        ./bin/catalina.sh stop                    <-- Unix
        cd $JAKARTA_HOME\build\tomcat-4.0         <-- Windows
        .\bin\catalina stop                       <-- Windows

    Reporting Bugs

    The bug reporting system we are using can be reached via http://jakarta.apache.org/bugs. Please use the product category "Catalina" for issues specific to Catalina.

    Before Committing Changes

    Before committing any changes to the jakarta-tomcat-4.0 CVS module, you must ensure that a complete build of the entire workspace is successful, and that all of the tests run correctly.
