Apache Tomcat 4.0 ================= Introduction ============ This CVS module contains the code for Tomcat 4.0, and will also be used for further development of 4.x versions. It is divided into several major components, each of which you can build and use separately, that are combined to create Tomcat. The components are: * Catalina - Servlet container conforming to the Servlet API Specification, version 2.3 (currently in Initial Public Draft). * Jasper - JSP compiler and runtime environment conforming to the JavaServer Pages (JSP) Specification, version 1.2 (currently in Initial Public Draft). * Webapps - Example and test web applications, and associated documentation, that are packaged with Tomcat. Installing Tomcat 4.0 Source Code ================================= In order to successfully build Tomcat 4.0, you will need to do the following. In the instructions below, $JAKARTA_HOME is assumed to be the directory into which you are installing all of the required Jakarta distributions. * Download and install a version 1.2 or later Java Development Kit implementation for your operating system platform. Set a "JAVA_HOME" environment variable to point at the directory where your JDK is installed, and add "$JAVA_HOME/bin" to your PATH. Configure the CLASSPATH environment variable as well, if required. * If you are running a JDK earlier than 1.3, download and install the current version of the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) package from , and configure your CLASSPATH to include the "jndi.jar" file (or copy this file to $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext in a JDK 1.2 environment). None of the JNDI providers are required, unless you need to use them in your own applications. * Download and install the Java API for XML Processing 1.1 from . Set an environment variable "JAXP_HOME" pointing at the directory to which you installed this distribution. [Other XML parsers may also be used. See below for details] * Download and install the Java Secure Sockets Extension (JSSE) implementation (current version number is 1.0.1) from . Set an environment variable "JSSE_HOME" pointing at the directory to which you installed this distribution. * Download and install the Java Management Extension (JMX) implementation (current version number is 1.0) from . Set an environment variable "JMX_HOME" pointing at the directory to which you installed this distribution. * Download and install the Ant distribution (subproject "jakarta-ant") into a directory named "$JAKARTA_HOME/jakarta-ant". If you have downloaded the source distribution, you will need to build the executable version by executing the following commands: cd $JAKARTA_HOME/jakarta-ant ./bootstrap.sh <-- Unix bootstrap <-- Windows This should result in the creation of a file "ant.jar" in the "lib" subdirectory, which will be used when building Tomcat. * Download and install the Regular Expressions distribution (module "jakarta-regexp"). Assuming an install directory : Binary distribution Set the REGEXP_HOME env variable to point to Source distribution Build the library by executing the following commands: cd /build ./build-regexp.sh <-- Unix build-regexp <-- Windows Set the REGEXP_HOME env variable to point to /bin * Download and install the Servletapi distribution that includes the Servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2 API classes. A link is available on the Jakarta web site at . When unpacked, this distribution will create a directory named "jakarta-servletapi-4.0". Set an environment variable named SERVLETAPI_HOME that points to where you have placed this directory. If you downloaded the source distribution, you will need to build it: cd $JAKARTA_HOME/jakarta-servletapi-4.0 ./build.sh dist <-- Unix build dist <-- Windows to create the required servlet.jar file. * Download the Tomcat 4.0 source repository (module "jakarta-tomcat-4.0") via anonymous CVS into a directory named "$JAKARTA_HOME/jakarta-tomcat-4.0", or download a nightly distribution. A link is provided on the Jakarta web site at . BUILDING TOMCAT 4.0 =================== * After downloading and installing the required software components, described in the previous section, you can build the entire Tomcat 4.0 suite as follows: cd $JAKARTA_HOME/jakarta-tomcat-4.0 ./build.sh <-- Unix build <-- Windows This will create a complete build of Catalina, Jasper, and the example web applications in "$JAKARTA_HOME/build/tomcat-4.0". * To create a "distribution" build of Tomcat 4.0, with file contents that are equivalent to the nightly distributions, do this: cd $JAKARTA_HOME/jakarta-tomcat-4.0 ./build.sh dist <-- Unix build dist <-- Windows * If you are interested in building only the individual components, there are separate build scripts for each in the corresponding subdirectories. Use the "deploy" task if you want to compile this component into the consolidated "build/tomcat-4.0" directory (this is what the top level build scripts do for you), or build the individual pieces like this: cd $JAKARTA_HOME/catalina ./build.sh <-- Unix build <-- Windows cd ../jasper ./build.sh <-- Unix build <-- Windows cd ../webapps ./build.sh <-- Unix build <-- Windows These steps create compiled versions of the components in the following subdirectories: $JAKARTA_HOME/build/catalina $JAKARTA_HOME/build/jasper $JAKARTA_HOME/build/webapps * If you modify source files in any of the component, be sure that you run the "deploy" target for that component (once you are satisfied that your code compiles with no errors). You can do "deploys" from any of the components in any desired sequence, but all of them must have succeeeded in order to have a runnable build. * Each of the component build scripts also has a "dist" target, which packages that component under directories "dist/catalina", "dist/jasper", and "dist/webapps", respectively. These targets are useful if you wish to package the components of Tomcat in combinations with other application bundles. Running the Build ================= * You can start the unpacked version of Tomcat 4.0 as follows: cd $JAKARTA_HOME/build/tomcat-4.0 ./bin/catalina.sh start <-- Unix bin\catalina start <-- Windows * To access the default content and examples, access the following URL with your browser: http://localhost:8080 * To shut down the unpacked version of Tomcat 4.0: cd $JAKARTA_HOME/build/tomcat-4.0 ./bin/catalina.sh stop <-- Unix bin\catalina stop <-- Windows * You can also set an environment variable CATALINA_HOME so that you can start and stop Tomcat 4.0 from any directory. For example: export CATALINA_HOME=$JAKARTA_HOME/build/tomcat-4.0 $CATALINA_HOME/bin/catalina.sh start Reporting Bugs ============== If you encounter any bugs in Catalina, or wish to contribute a patch, or wish to suggest any functionality improvements, please report them to our bug tracking system, at: http://jakarta.apache.org/bugs against product categories "Catalina", "Jasper", and "Webapps", depending on where the problem you are reporting exists. Before Committing Changes ========================= Before committing any changes to the Tomcat 4.0 CVS repository, you MUST do a "build clean" followed by a "build deploy.main dist" with the top level build scripts, to ensure that the entire build process runs cleanly. Also, ensure that all current tests (both internal to Tomcat and those in Watchdog) run correctly with your updated code. XML parsers in Tomcat 4.0 ========================= In the tomcat-4.0 build procedure, an XML parser is required for three different components: 1. ant See ant specific requirements for an XML parser 2. catalina At least JAXP1.0 compliant XML parser 3. jasper At least JAXP1.1 compliant XML parser All of these requirements can be handled globally by setting environment variable JAXP_HOME (as described above). The default jar files used for XML parsing are then: JAXP_HOME/jaxp.jar and JAXP_HOME/crimson.jar * To change the 'XML parser' jar file used: JAXP_PARSER_JAR [default: crimson.jar] (e.g. xerces.jar) * To set the XML parser of each component individually: ANT_XML_CLASSPATH [default: JAXP_HOME/JAXP_PARSER_JAR;JAXP_HOME/jaxp.jar] CATALINA_JAXP_HOME [default: JAXP_HOME] CATALINA_JAXP_PARSER_JAR [default: JAXP_PARSER_JAR] JASPER_JAXP_HOME [default: JAXP_HOME] JASPER_JAXP_PARSER_JAR [default: JAXP_PARSER_JAR]