The Service Component

[Introduction] [Common Attributes] [Standard Implementation Attributes] [Utility Components] [Special Features]


A Service component represents the a combination of one or more Connector components that share a single Engine component for processing of incoming requests. One or more Service elements may be nested inside a Server element.

Common Attributes

All implementations of the Server component support the following attributes:

Attribute Description
className Java class name of the implementation to use. This class must implement the org.apache.catalina.Service interface. If no class name is specified, the standard implementation will be used (org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService).
name The display name of this service, which will be included in log messages if you utilize standard Catalina components.

Standard Implementation Attributes

The standard implementation of the Service component also supports the following attributes:

Attribute Description

Utility Components

No utility components may be nested inside a Service. The only valid nested elements are one or more Connector elements, followed by a single Engine element.

Special Features

There are no special features associated with a Service.