$Id$ Release Notes for: ==================== TOMCAT Version 3.2.2 ==================== 0. TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. Introduction 2. Installing and Running Tomcat 3. Application Development Using Tomcat 4. Tomcat: Past, Present, and Future 5. New Features In This Release 6. Known Bugs and Issues 7. Fixes and Enhancements in Updates ============================================================================= 1. INTRODUCTION Tomcat is a servlet container and JavaServer Pages(tm) implementation. It may be used stand alone, or in conjunction with several popular web servers: - Apache, version 1.3 or later - Microsoft Internet Information Server, version 4.0 or later - Microsoft Personal Web Server, version 4.0 or later - Netscape Enterprise Server, version 3.0 or later You should read the License Agreement (in the LICENSE file of the top level directory), which applies to all software included in this release. Tomcat Version 3.2.2 is a bug fix release. No new features have been added in this release. The bugs known to be fixed in Version 3.2.2 are described in section 7.1 below. ============================================================================= 2. INSTALLING AND RUNNING TOMCAT Tomcat requires a Java Runtime Environment conformant to JRE 1.1 or later, including any Java2 platform system. If you wish to develop applications, you will need a Java compiler, such as the one included in a Java Development Kit 1.1 or later environment, including JDKs conformant with Java2. For detailed information about installing and running Tomcat, point your browser at file "doc/uguide/tomcat_ug.html" under the directory into which you unpacked the Tomcat distribution. ============================================================================= 3. APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT USING TOMCAT Preliminary information on using Tomcat for developing Servlet/JSP based applications is provided in the included Application Developer's Guide. Point your browser at file "doc/appdev/index.html" under the directory into which you unpacked the Tomcat distribution. ============================================================================= 4. TOMCAT: PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE - Version 3.0 (released 12/1999) was the initial release of Tomcat. In addition to implementing the Java Servlet and Server Pages specification, this release featured a minimal Apache connector. - Tomcat 3.1 (released 4/2000) improved the Apache connection and added connector support for Netscape and IIS web servers. It also added WAR file support, automatic servlet reloading, and a command line tool (jspc) to compile ahead of time the JSP pages that comprise your application. Finally, version 3.1 also focused on reorganizing the code (modularization, cleanup, refactoring, removal of dead code, and separation of J2EE-specific code). - Tomcat 3.2 is the first performance tune-up, and also adds a few new features (see next section). - Tomcat 4.0 is separate development from Tomcat 3.x. It is based on the Catalina architecture, which is very different from the architecture of Tomcat 3.x. In addition, Tomcat 4.0 is to be the reference implementation for the Servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2 specifications. ============================================================================= 5. NEW FEATURES IN THIS RELEASE 5.1 Docbase and File Based Localization Tomcat 3.2.2 now supports a method mapping requests into localized resources automatically based on the client's and the server's locale. Localized content can be organized using one directory per locale (Docbase) or into a single directory the locale specified in the file names (File based). A detailed description of this feature can be found in doc/tomcat-localization-how.html ============================================================================= 6. KNOWN BUGS AND ISSUES 6.1 Using An Absolute Path as Document Root Under Windows In the TOMCAT_HOME/conf/server.xml file, you can declare a relative or absolute directory pathname for the docBase attribute. If you wish to use an absolute pathname on a Windows system, you MUST include the drive letter in order to conform to Java's definition of an absolute path on this platform: GOOD: c:\mydirectory\mydocbase GOOD: c:/mydirectory/mydocbase BAD: \mydirectory\mydocbase BAD: /mydirectory/mydocbase Under Unix, absolute pathnames must begin with a slash ('/') character. 6.2 Container Managed Security Tomcat 3.2 has an implementation of container managed security, as described in the Servlet API Specification, version 2.2, section 11. Please note the following information about this implementation: - BASIC and FORM based authentication should work correctly. Please report any bugs you encounter here at . The example application has a protected area defined at the following URL: http://localhost:8080/examples/jsp/security/protected which can be accessed by any user defined in the configuration file $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/tomcat-users.xml that has been granted the appropriate roles. Form-based authentication is used by default, but a commented out setting for Basic authentication is provided if you wish to give it a try. WARNING: Basic authentication is not suitable for general security use across the Internet, or across other insecure networks, because usernames and passwords are sent encoded, but not encrypted, with every single request. - DIGEST authentication and HTTPS client authentication (i.e. SSL) are not supported in this release. 6.3 Using RequestDispatcher.include() on a Welcome File [Bug Report #160] Using the following technique results in a response with incorrect content: - You have a subdirectory under your document root (for example "subdir/"). - This subdirectory contains a welcome file that you have configured to be displayed when that subdirectory is requested on a URL (for example "index.html"). - You request a RequestDispatcher for path "/subdir" or path "/subdir/" and then call include() on it. The same problem can occur when you do a to a page "/subdir" or "/subdir/" as well. A workaround is to ask for a RequestDispatcher on the complete context- relative path of the file you wish to have displayed, such as "/subdir/index.html". 6.4 Automatic Servlet Reloading Tomcat 3.2 includes a feature whereby you can ask it to automatically reload servlet classes (loaded from either the WEB-INF/classes directory or a JAR file in the WEB-INF/lib directory) that have been changed. This feature is experimental, and may not be completely functional. In particular, changes to classes other than the servlet you are requesting do not trigger class reloads -- you will need to restart Tomcat to reflect changes in those classes. Reloading is enabled by including a reloadable="true" attribute on the element in the "conf/server.xml" file. Note that automatic reload support is not recommended for production applications because of its experimental nature, and the extra overhead required to perform the necessary checks on every request. 6.5 Returned strings from getServletPath, getPathInfo, and getPathTranslated The Servlet 2.2 Errata - April 27, 2000 specifies that HttpServletRequest methods getServletPath, getPathInfo, and getPathTranslated should return decoded strings. This clarification has not been implemented in Tomcat 3.2. In Tomcat 3.2, these methods return encoded strings. 6.6 Avoiding "Out of environment space" errors on Windows 95/98 This error can easily occur since the default amount of environment space is typically insufficient to run Tomcat. Here are a couple of ways to avoid it. A. If you use the MS-DOS Prompt to start Tomcat, execute Programs -> MS-DOS Prompt. Right-click the MS-DOS icon on the left of the title bar and select Properties at the bottom of the menu. In the MS-DOS Prompt Properties dialog select the Memory tab. In the "Initial environment:" field, set a sufficiently high number. If you are not sure, 3072 should be plenty. Click OK and close the MS-DOS Prompt window. Execute Programs -> MS-DOS Prompt again, navigate to the directory where you installed Tomcat. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable if not set already. You should be able to execute "bin\startup" and "bin\shutdown" to start and stop Tomcat without getting an "Out of environment space" error. B. If you want to start Tomcat by double clicking a batch file such as startup.bat, you should right-click on the desired batch file in Windows Explorer and select Properties to open the MS-DOS Prompt Properties dialog. Select the Memory tab and set the "Initial environment:" as described above. You may want to also select the Program tab and check "Close on exit". Then click OK. A shortcut with these settings will be created in same directory with the same base name as the batch file. You should be able to double-click the shortcut or the batch file to execute without getting an "Out of environment space" error. If you wish to execute startup.bat and shutdown.bat in this fashion, you will need to do the above for both files. In addition, you need to provide for setting JAVA_HOME. This may be done by adding a "SET JAVA_HOME=path to your jdk" line to your autoexec.bat or to the startup.bat and shutdown.bat files themselves. 6.7 URL's are now case sensitive on all operating systems As of Tomcat 3.2, URL's are case sensitive for all operating systems, including operating systems which have case insensitive file systems, such as Windows. This represents a change from Tomcat 3.1, where URL's were case insensitive on case insensitive OS's. This was done for a number of reasons, security and portability among them. A "non-portable" web application, i.e. one with case mismatches, which worked on a case insensitive OS under Tomcat 3.1 will show its non-portability when run under Tomcat 3.2. This can also cause URL's that look correct to actually be incorrect. In Windows Explorer, a directory whose name fits within the MS-DOS 8.3 format may be displayed using a "formated" name. For example, a directory named "MYDIR" may display as "Mydir". A URL like "http://localhost/mysite/Mydir/ index.jsp" would return "File Not Found" because the correct URL would be "http://localhost/mysite/MYDIR/index.jsp". If you find URL's being mysteriously "not found", check for case mismatch. Use the Windows Explorer Properties dialog or an MS-DOS window to check the actual case of the file and directory names. This can cause an additional problem when Tomcat is used with a case insensitive web server, such as IIS, where the web server serves the static content. The web server could serve a static page with mismatched case in the URL. If that static page contains relative links to resources served by Tomcat, then invoking those links would carry the mismatched case to Tomcat where it cause the resource not to be found. 6.8 Generated Configuration Files for Web Connectors At startup time, Tomcat normally generates configuration files like "tomcat-apache.conf" to reflect the contexts that are defined. However, the generated files do NOT reflect any configuration settings found inside the web application deployment descriptor file (web.xml) for your application. You will need to configure any such settings that are relevant directly into your web server's configuration files. This is a known limitation of the design of the web connectors for Tomcat 3.2, and will be addressed by the introduction of the MOD_WARP connector in Tomcat 4.0. 6.9 Limitation on Form Based Login If the pages you specify for or are within the area protected by a security constraint, Tomcat 3.2 will be unable to display them. As a side effect of this problem, you will not be able to use a URL pattern of "/*" to protect your entire web application when using form based login. A workaround is to set up your web application with the form login page and form error page in the document root directory, place all other pages in one or more subdirectories, and establish security constraints to protect the subdirectories. 6.10 Limitation on Document Base Paths Tomcat 3.2 is unable to support Windows SMB paths in a directive like this: although this approach was supported in Tomcat 3.1, and is supported in Tomcat 4.0. A workaround is to establish a drive mapping to "\\machine\share" and define your context like this: where "r:" is mapped to this share. 6.11 Resource Paths Can't Contain URL Escapes The path passed to javax.servlet.Context.getResource() and javax.servlet.Context.getResrouceAsStream() cannot contain URL escapes of the form %HH. Paths containing any URL escapes will return null. =============================================================================== 7. FIXES AND ENHANCEMENTS IN UPDATES 7.1 Fixes and Enhancements in Release 3.2.2 This section highlights the bugs fixed in this release. In addition to these, there have been many other minor bug fixes through the product. Documentation - Several updates to how-to documents and users guide. Servlet - Fix infinite loop if no prefix matches the request URI. Now returns a 404 error. - Handle UnavailableException in included servlets. - User principle was incorrectly maintained. (#757) - Use access control for forward() and include() when security manager is being used. - Properly interpret url-patterns inside security-contraints. (#567) - Fix authentication with Sybase ASE 11.9.2 and Interbase. - reqeust.getPort() now returns the correct port when using SSL. (#743) - Fix JSP source disclosure problem. (#619) - ServletRequest.getProtocol() could contain a CRLF. (#620) - Better initialization of psuedo-random number generator improves response time for first request that generates a session. - Fix session tracking through forward(). (#504) - Fix problem with getSession() overwritting the requested session ID and related URL rewritting problems. (#160) - Better error reporting for load-on-startup servler load failures. ((#489) - Static files (e.g. .html) can how be used as the location for tags in web.xml. (#291) - URL encoded data in servlet paths and path info are now decoded properly. (#657) - HttpServletRequest.encodeURL() now properly encodes URLs that contain an anchor but no query string. (#1182) - Error pages now work in virtual hosts. Jasper - Fix for UnsupportedEncodingException due to UTF8 instead of UTF-8. (#269) - Support compiling with debug information. - If JSP source file is removed, then generated files are removed and subsequent requests return a 404 error. (#698) - Fix compile error with more than one set of tags with the same name. (#540) - Support for non 8859-1 character encodings for included pages. - Better error reporting if compile fails due to missing tag library. - Fix thread synchronization problem that can cause page compilation to fail (#44). - Fixed the defualt character encoding. The default charset is now ISO-8859-1. (#285) - jsp:plugin was not being expanded correctly. (#467) - Fixed bug that could cause the body of a JSP page to be exeucted before or while its jspInit() method was being executed. (#1280) Connectors - Fix infinite loop on invalid content-length for ajp12. (#264) - Fix infinite llop if Tomcat connector closed connection. (#510) - For ajp13 protocol, add support for multipart form encoding and file uploads now work. - Reading session ids from cookies in the load balancer. (#603) - HTTP connections now time out if no data is received from the client. (#1006) IIS - Better error logging for startup failures. NetWare - Fix for netbuf_getbytes() not supported on NetWare 5.1. 7.2 Security vulnerabilities fixed in Tomcat 3.2.2 7.2.1 HTTP Requests With no Protocol An HTTP request with no protocol specified would return an unprocessed source for a JSP file. For example GET /examples/jsp/num/numguess.jsp would return the source for the numguess.jsp file. 7.2.2 Tomcat 3.2.2 beta releases prior to beta 3 had allowed URI components to be decoded twice. This problem only appears when using JDK 1.3.0 or later. The double decode problem caused URL such as http://localhost:8080/%252e%252e/%252e%252e/%00.jsp to reveal a directory listing outside the web application. Other versions of this same double decode attack could reveal the contents of files outside the web application. 7.3 Security vulnerabilities fixed in Tomcat 3.2.1 7.3.1 Protection of Resources in /WEB-INF and /META-INF Directories The servlet specification prohibits servlet containers from serving resources in the /WEB-INF and /META-INF directories of a web application archive directly to clients. In Tomcat 3.2, this means that URLs like: http://localhost:8080/examples/WEB-INF/web.xml will return an error message, rather than the contents of your deployment descriptor. However, there is a vulnerability in Tomcat 3.2 that exposes this information if the client requests a URL like this instead: http://localhost:8080/examples//WEB-INF/web.xml (note the double slash before "WEB-INF"). This vulnerability has been corrected in Tomcat 3.2.1. 7.3.2 Show Source Vulnerability The example application delivered with Tomcat 3.2 included a mechanism to display the source code for the JSP page examples. This mechanism could be used to bypass the restrictions on displaying sensitive information in the WEB-INF and META-INF directories. This vulnerability has been removed.