# # Sample worker configuration file with a jni worker # # You will probably need to update your tomcat # root directory and JVM library path # # You should begin by replacing any occurrence of d:\tomcat with # your own tomcat root. Following that replace path starting with # d:\sdk\jdk1.2.2\ with your own java home. # worker.list=jni worker.jni.type=jni # # Additional class path components. # worker.jni.class_path=d:\tomcat\classes worker.jni.class_path=d:\tomcat\lib\xml.jar worker.jni.class_path=d:\tomcat\lib\jasper.jar worker.jni.class_path=d:\tomcat\lib\servlet.jar worker.jni.class_path=d:\tomcat\lib\webserver.jar worker.jni.class_path=d:\sdk\jdk1.2.2\lib\tools.jar # worker.jni.class_path=d:\SQLLIB\java\db2java.zip # # Setting the command line for tomcat # worker.jni.cmd_line=-config worker.jni.cmd_line=d:\tomcat\conf\jni_server.xml # # The JVM that we are about to use # # This is for jdk1.2.x # worker.jni.jvm_lib=d:\sdk\jdk1.2.2\jre\bin\classic\jvm.dll # # And this is for jdk1.1.7 # #worker.jni.jvm_lib=d:\sdk\jdk1.1.7\bin\javai.dll # # # Setting the place for the stdout and stderr of tomcat # worker.jni.stdout=d:\tomcat\jvm.stdout worker.jni.stderr=d:\tomcat\jvm.stderr # # Setting the tomcat.home Java property # worker.jni.sysprops=tomcat.home=D:\tomcat\ # # Java system properties # # worker.jni.sysprops=java.compiler=NONE # worker.jni.sysprops=myprop=mypropvalue # # Additional path components. # # worker.jni.ld_path=d:\SQLLIB\bin #