The yardstick we are using to know what the bugs are is the Bugzilla system that is installed on the Jakarta web site . You can help us out by keeping the following principles in mind: * If you think you've discovered a bug, please review the current list of bugs to see if yours has already been found by someone else. * If this is a new bug, please record it in Bugzilla. Bugs that are described only in mailing list messages will likely get missed in the heat of the bug-swatting battle. * Proposed patches (included in the bug report or as a separate attachment) are deeply appreciated, because they speed up the fixing process. (Besides, you get your name recorded for posterity as a contributor! :-). * Many bugs have been fixed in CVS. If you want to help find the remaining ones, you can grab the most recent nightly code drop and/or check out the code from anonymous CVS and build Tomcat yourself. Thanks for all the sharp eyes looking for problems (and contributing fixes)!