ABOUT ----- The redirector was originally developed using Visual C++ Ver.6.0, so having this environment is a prerequisite if you want to perform a custom build on Windows systems On Unix system, a Makefile.solaris and Makefile.linux are provided and should be adapted to tailor to your own configuration. Be sure to read the BUILDING.txt file, one directory up. REQUIREMENT for Windows build ----------------------------- MS VC 6.0 (+ update, latest service pack is 6) BUILDING on Windows ------------------- The steps that you need to take are: 1. Change directory to the nsapi redirector plugins source directory. 2. Set the SUNONE_HOME system environment value to SunONE installation directory or edit the nsapi.dsp and replace all $(SUNONE_HOME) occurrences with the real path 3. Execute the following command: MSDEV nsapi.dsp /MAKE ALL If msdev is not in your path, enter the full path to msdev.exe This will build both release and debug versions of the redirector plugin. An alternative will be to open the isapi workspace file (nsapi.dsw) in msdev and build it using the build menu.