JAKARTA TOMCAT CONNECTORS 2 (JK2) STATUS: -*-text-*- Last modified at [$Date$] AS OF NOVEMBER 15, 2004, JK2 IS NO LONGER SUPPORTED. ALL BUGS RELATED TO JK2 WILL BE MARKED AS WONTFIX. IN ITS PLACE, SOME OF ITS FEATURES HAVE BEEN BACKPORTED TO JK1. MOST OF THOSE FEATURES WILL BE SEEN IN 1.2.7 AND LATER VERSIONS. ANOTHER ALTERNATIVE IS THE AJP ADDITION TO MOD_PROXY WHICH WILL BE PART OF APACHE 2.1. Release: 2.0.5 : in progress 2.0.4 : released March 29, 2004 2.0.3 : not released 2.0.2 : released November 27, 2002 2.0.1 : released October 6, 2002 2.0.0 : released September 30, 2002 RELEASE SHOWSTOPPERS: RELEASE NON-SHOWSTOPPERS BUT WOULD BE REAL NICE TO WRAP THESE UP: * Make the experimental service channel between connector and TC, that will allow asynchronous communication, and will be used for various management messages. STUFF FOR 2.1: * Use the APR for as a System abstraction layer through the code.