JAKARTA TOMCAT CONNECTORS (JK) CHANGELOG: -*-text-*- Last modified at [$Date$] Changes with JK 1.2.4 * Fix use of libtool for Apache mod_jk builds with more recent versions of Apache 2. [jfclere] * Use reentrant version of strtok() for web server's which use threads. This fixes a thread safe bug under Apache 2 and the worker MPM. [glenn] * Fix the Apache 2 mod_jk hook priority so that mod_jk works well with both mod_alias and mod_dir. [glenn] Changes with JK 1.2.3: * Add the ability to configure JkLog to pipe its log output to an executable such as Apache rotatelogs or cronolog. Apache 2.0 only. [glenn] * Add JkAutoAlias to Apache 2.0 [glenn] * Apache 2/1.3, if Tomcat returns an error but not content, let Apache handle processing the error returned by Tomcat. * Added the load balancer sticky_session property. If set to 0 requests with servlet SESSION ID's can be routed to any Tomcat worker. Default is 1, sessions are sticky. [glenn] * Cleaned up detection and reporting of aborted client connections. This cleanup also makes sure that mod_jk does not pass any requests on to Tomcat if the remote client aborted its connection. [glenn] * Fixed a bug in Apache 2.0 which caused a POST request forwarded to Tomcat to fail if it generated SSI directives which were post processed by mod_include. [glenn] * Fixed a bug in JkRequestLogFormat when printing the request URI that could cause a URI with hex escapes sequences to be formatted wrong. [glenn] Changes with JK 1.2.2: * tomcat_trend.pl updated script to support changed logging of aborted requests [glenn] * jk set correctly the content-type in Apache 2.0, making it ready to works with mod_deflate and AddOutputFilterByType [hgomez] * jk will check result of get_endpoint and handle a failure. This call can fail if the allocation for the endpoint fails because of low memory conditions causing a dereference of NULL when we try and access the endpoint [mmanders] Changes with JK 1.2.1: * Don't send initial chunk for chunked encoding, fix #14282 [costin] * Add perl scripts for analyzing mod_jk logs and generating graphs/reports [glenn] * Make JK honor the CanonicalHost directive. [hgomez] * Log cleanup [costin] * Fix typos in jk xdocs/docs [hgomez] * Add JkRequestLogFormat to Apache 2.0 [hgomez] * Final patches to make JK iSeries compliant [hgomez]