Installing mod_webapp and using it with Apache 1.3 -------------------------------------------------- Once you have successfully built the mod_webapp DSO as described in the README.txt file coming with the sources, installing the module is pretty easy. First of all, copy the resulting file you will find in this directory (or in the apache-1.3 directory if you're building from sources) into your Apache 1.3 "libexec" directory (that directory where all DSO modules for Apache reside). If you're using Apache 1.3 for Windows, your modules directory will be called "modules" (there's a "libexec directory, but it contains other stuff). Please take care when loading the module. For Windows your "LoadModule" directive looks like: LoadModule webapp_module modules/ Another note for Windows: copy also the "libapr.dll" file with the module, or your Apache 1.3 web server will refuse to start reporting that the WebApp module cannot be loaded. Once you have done that, edit your "httpd.conf" configuration file and add a few lines to load that module at startup (Windows users, read above, you have to "replace" libexec with "modules" - I'm paranoid, sorry): LoadModule webapp_module libexec/ and AddModule mod_webapp.c NOTE: It was reported that sometimes Apache under windows doesn't like the AddModule line in the configuration file. Please, if you can't start your Apache service, try commenting out that line in your httpd.conf file. Looking at the default "httpd.conf" file coming with Apache 1.3, I usually add the "LoadModule ..." line at the end of all pre-written and commented out "LoadModule" directives, and my "AddModule ..." directive at the end of all commented out "AddModule" directives. My "httpd.conf" file looks something like this: [...] #LoadModule unique_id_module libexec/ #LoadModule dav_module libexec/ #LoadModule ssl_module libexec/ LoadModule webapp_module libexec/ [...] ClearModuleList [...] #AddModule mod_unique_id.c #AddModule mod_dav.c #AddModule mod_ssl.c AddModule mod_webapp.c [...] Once you've edited your "httpd.conf" in such fashion, it's better to check if everything still works within the Apache core. You can test your newly constructed configuration by issuing: apachectl configtest The apachectl script comes with your Apache 1.3 distribution. It usually lies in /usr/local/apache/bin, but depending on _YOUR_ apache distribution, that might change. Once you verified that "apachectl" reports "Syntax OK" (meaning that all modules have been successfully loaded and started), you can start adding your web application connections and context into the Apache configurations. Back to the "httpd.conf" file, you need to add something like: WebAppConnection conn warp localhost:8008 WebAppDeploy examples conn /examples In this example, I'm instructing the WebApp connector to connect to the servlet container waiting for requests on the current "localhost" host and bound to port 8008 (note, this port is the one you specified in your "server.xml" file for the "org.apache.catalina.connector.warp.WarpConnector" connector, not your HTTP one). A brief detailed description of the above-mentioned directives is: WebAppConnection [connection name] [provider] [host:port] [connection name] A unique name for the connection to be created between Apache and Tomcat. [provider] The name of the provider used to connect to the servlet container. Currently only the "warp" provider is available. [host:port] The host name and port number to which the WARP connection must attempt to connect. The port is the one you specified in your "server.xml" file for the "...WarpConnector" connector, not your HTTP one. WebAppDeploy [application name] [connection name] [url path] [application name] The application name as present in your "webapps" directory in Tomcat. For example, if you want to deploy a WAR-based web application, your application name will look something like "myApplication.war". [connection name] The name of a previously declared WebAppConnection directive. [url path] The URL path where this application will be deployed. The "WebAppDeploy" directive is scoped around the current host, meaning that if you insert it into a "" tag, your application will be deployed only for that particular virtual host. To deploy the same application on several virtual hosts, you will have to declare it once inside each "" tag. This, in accordance with the Servlet specification, will create a new instance of the web-application per virtual host. Another directive is available for the WebApp connector. The "WebAppInfo" directive will allow you to see the current status of all configured connections and deployed applications. To use it, simply add something like: WebAppInfo /webapp-info You can then access the information page hitting your web server for the following URL: Have fun... Pier