Interface XMPMM

public interface XMPMM
  • Field Details


      static final String NAMESPACE_URI
      See Also:
    • PREFIX

      static final String PREFIX
      See Also:
    • PREFIX_

      static final String PREFIX_
      The xmpMM prefix followed by the colon delimiter
      See Also:

      static final Property DOCUMENTID
      The common identifier for all versions and renditions of a resource.

      static final Property INSTANCEID
      An identifier for a specific incarnation of a resource, updated each time a file is saved.

      static final Property ORIGINAL_DOCUMENTID
      The common identifier for the original resource from which the current resource is derived. For example, if you save a resource to a different format, then save that one to another format, each save operation should generate a new xmpMM:DocumentID that uniquely identifies the resource in that format, but should retain the ID of the source file here.

      static final Property RENDITION_CLASS
      The rendition class name for this resource. This property should be absent or set to default for a resource that is not a derived rendition

      static final Property RENDITION_PARAMS
      Can be used to provide additional rendition parameters that are too complex or verbose to encode in xmpMM:RenditionClass

      static final Property HISTORY_EVENT_INSTANCEID
      Instance id in the XMPMM's history section

      static final Property HISTORY_ACTION
      Action in the XMPMM's history section

      static final Property HISTORY_WHEN
      When the action occurred in the XMPMM's history section

      static final Property HISTORY_SOFTWARE_AGENT
      Software agent that created the action in the XMPMM's history section

      static final Property DERIVED_FROM_DOCUMENTID
      Document id for the document that this document was derived from

      static final Property DERIVED_FROM_INSTANCEID
      Instance id for the document instance that this document was derived from