All Apache Thrift tutorials require that you have:
Generated the tutorial.thrift and shared.thrift files as discussed here
thrift -r --gen ocaml tutorial.thrift
Followed all prerequesets listed
open Arg
open Thrift
open Tutorial_types
open Shared_types
exception Die;;
let sod = function
Some v -> v
| None -> raise Die;;
type connection = {
trans : Transport.t ;
proto : Thrift.Protocol.t;
calc : Calculator.client ;
let connect ~host port =
let tx = new TSocket.t host port in
let proto = new TBinaryProtocol.t tx in
let calc = new Calculator.client proto proto in
{ trans = tx ; proto = proto; calc = calc }
let doclient () =
let cli = connect ~host:"" 9090 in
cli.calc#ping ;
Printf.printf "ping()\n" ; flush stdout ;
(let sum = cli.calc#add (Int32.of_int 1) (Int32.of_int 1) in
Printf.printf "1+1=%ld\n" sum ;
flush stdout) ;
(let w = new work in
w#set_op Operation.DIVIDE ;
w#set_num1 (Int32.of_int 1) ;
w#set_num2 (Int32.of_int 0) ;
let quotient = cli.calc#calculate (Int32.of_int 1) w in
Printf.printf "Whoa? We can divide by zero!\n" ; flush stdout
with InvalidOperation io ->
Printf.printf "InvalidOperation: %s\n" io#grab_why ; flush stdout) ;
(let w = new work in
w#set_op Operation.SUBTRACT ;
w#set_num1 (Int32.of_int 15) ;
w#set_num2 (Int32.of_int 10) ;
let diff = cli.calc#calculate (Int32.of_int 1) w in
Printf.printf "15-10=%ld\n" diff ; flush stdout) ;
(let ss = cli.calc#getStruct (Int32.of_int 1) in
Printf.printf "Check log: %s\n" ss#grab_value ; flush stdout) ;
with Transport.E (_,what) ->
Printf.printf "ERROR: %s\n" what ; flush stdout
open Arg
open Thrift
open Tutorial_types
open Shared_types
exception Die;;
let sod = function
Some v -> v
| None -> raise Die;;
class calc_handler =
object (self)
inherit Calculator.iface
val log = Hashtbl.create 23
method ping = Printf.printf "ping()\n" ; flush stdout
method add a b =
Printf.printf"add(%ld,%ld)\n" (sod a) (sod b); flush stdout ;
Int32.add (sod a) (sod b)
method calculate logid w =
let w = sod w in
Printf.printf "calculate(%ld,{%ld,%ld,%ld})\n" (sod logid) (Operation.to_i w#grab_op) w#grab_num1 w#grab_num2; flush stdout ;
let rv =
match w#grab_op with
Operation.ADD ->
Int32.add w#grab_num1 w#grab_num2
| Operation.SUBTRACT ->
Int32.sub w#grab_num1 w#grab_num2
| Operation.MULTIPLY ->
Int32.mul w#grab_num1 w#grab_num2
| Operation.DIVIDE ->
if w#grab_num2 = then
let io = new invalidOperation in
io#set_what (Operation.to_i w#grab_op) ;
io#set_why "Cannot divide by 0" ;
raise (InvalidOperation io)
Int32.div w#grab_num1 w#grab_num2 in
let ss = new sharedStruct in
ss#set_key (sod logid) ;
let buffer = Int32.to_string rv in
ss#set_value buffer ;
Hashtbl.add log (sod logid) ss ;
method zip =
Printf.printf "zip()\n"; flush stdout
method getStruct logid =
Printf.printf "getStruct(%ld)\n" (sod logid) ; flush stdout ;
Hashtbl.find log (sod logid)
let doserver () =
let h = new calc_handler in
let proc = new Calculator.processor h in
let port = 9090 in
let pf = new TBinaryProtocol.factory in
let server = new TThreadedServer.t
(new TServerSocket.t port)
(new Transport.factory)