Building from source

First make sure your system meets all necessary Apache Thrift Requirements

If you are building from the first time out of the source repository, you will need to generate the configure scripts. (This is not necessary if you downloaded a released tarball.) From the top directory, do:


Once the configure scripts are generated, thrift can be configured. From the top directory, do:


Disable a language:

./configure --without-java

You may need to specify the location of the boost files explicitly. If you installed boost in /usr/local, you would run configure as follows:

./configure --with-boost=/usr/local

If you want to override the logic of the detection of the Java SDK, use the JAVAC environment variable:

./configure JAVAC=/usb/bin/javac 

Note that by default the thrift C++ library is typically built with debugging symbols included. If you want to customize these options you should use the CXXFLAGS option in configure, as such:

./configure CXXFLAGS='-g -O2'
./configure CFLAGS='-g -O2'

To see other configuration options run

./configure --help

Once you have run configure you can build Thrift via make:


and run the test suite:

make check

and the cross language test suite:

sh test/

Issues while compiling


From the top directory, become superuser and do:

make install

Note that some language packages must be installed manually using build tools better suited to those languages (this applies to Java, Ruby, PHP).

Look for the README file in the lib// folder for more details on the installation of each language library package.