Hello World

As with any tool, it's always nice to see something work, so let's create a small "Hello World" page.

Assuming you have Apache configured correctly, create a file called hello.rvt where Apache can find it, with the following content:

    <title>Hello World</title>
      <b><? puts "Hello world" ?></b>

The example can be elaborated, for example using the html command

<? set hello_message "Hello world" ?>
    <title><? puts $hello_message ?></title>
    puts [::rivet::html $hello_message pre b]

Starting with version 2.0.5 Rivet also supports a shorthand notation to output simple strings.

<? set hello_message "Hello world" ?>
    <title><?= $hello_message ?></title>
  <body><?= [::rivet::html $hello_message pre b] ?></body>

Design downloaded from free website templates.