The provided spec file has been tested on RedHat 7.3 systems where it seems to 'do the right thing', YMMV for other RPM based systems. Of particular note is that the file that ships with RedHat7.3 has gcc flags that break mod_dtcl. The included contrib/redhat-buildtcl.patch has a workaround for this, and also configures paths and adds the '-DEAPI' flag. Building and installing the RPM should be straightforward, something like: wget cp mod_dtcl-0.10.0.tar.gz /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES rpm -bb mod_dtcl.spec rpm -ivh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/mod_dtcl-0.10.0-1.i386.rpm Once installed, Apache must be configured manually. The basic RedHat/Apache configuration places the mod_dtcl directives directly into httpd.conf. The minimum you will require are: 1) Open /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf in your favourite text editor and locate the big list of lines starting 'LoadModule'. At the end of this list, append: LoadModule dtcl_module modules/ The stuff causes the module to be loaded if it is present. This stuff is standard with RedHat 7.0, but (if I remember correctly) is _not_ in earlier versions. If that's the case for you, just add the 'LoadModule' line on it's own, just use what's there already as an example. 2) Head on down the file until you find the corresponding 'AddModule' lines, append: AddModule mod_dtcl.c 3) Find the 'AddType' directives and append the following: AddType application/x-httpd-tcl .ttml 4) Save the file and restart apache: /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart Put the examples.ttml file in your webspace and try it out, then go review the documentation to see what other config options you have. Simon --