Release @VERSION@

Tapestry is a component based framework for creating sophisticated web applications. It's used with existing application servers, acting as a kind of "super servlet". The Tapestry Home Page contains much more information about what Tapestry is, how to use it and why you can't live without it!

Tapestry is distributed as a single distribution, including source code, compiled frameworks, examples and documentation.

The JARs were created on @OS_NAME@ @OS_VERSION@ using the @JAVA_VENDOR@ JDK @JAVA_VM_VERSION@ compiler.

This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation (

 Third Party Jars



Tapestry is built using the Ant build tool, version 1.5 or better. You need to download and install Ant before running the Tapestry demonstrations.

Configuring and running the Virtual Library demo is very easy:

  • Download (if needed) a JDK 1.3 or newer JVM.
  • Download and configure Ant. Tapestry requires Ant 1.5.
  • Download JBoss 3.0.0. JBoss is an open-source application server, used to run the database and Enterprise JavaBeans in the Virtual Library. The Virtual Library can only be auto-configured using the JBoss 3.0.0 distribution.
  • Create the file Tapestry/config/ This file informs Tapestry where JBoss as been installed. The directory contains a template file. Set jboss.dir to the JBoss installation directory, for example C:/JBoss-3.0.0. Note: Use only forward slashes in this file name.
  • Execute the command: ant -emacs configure run-jboss
    This will copy and configure the necessary files in the JBoss installation directory, then run the JBoss server, automatically deploying the Tapestry Tutorials and the Virtual Library demonstration. (The -emacs option changes the Ant output format to be less verbose).

Congratulations, you can now run the Tapestry Tutorials or the Virtual Library.


Tapestry documentation is distributed seperately from the main binary distribution, in the file Tapestry-@VERSION@-doc.tar.gz, or is available online.

Tapestry API Documentation

Full documentation for the Tapestry framework, the contrib framework (which contains additional components and classes), and all the example code.
Tapestry Component Reference

A handy refrence to the built-in Tapestry components, with example specifications, HTML templates and code.
Tutorial [PDF]

The best way to begin learning about the Tapestry framework; this document eases the reader into basic Tapestry concepts.
Tapestry Developer's Guide [PDF]

Exhaustive reference for Tapestry, in extreme detail.
Tapestry Contributor's Guide [PDF]

A guide for advanced developers who want to contribute code back to the Tapestry framework. Discusses coding conventions, CVS access procedures, documentation standards and the like.

Third party JARs

Tapestry requires some third party JARs when it is compiled, as well as at runtime. These files are are included in the distribution.

JAR file Version License Description<
com.mortbay.jetty-jdk1.2.jar 4.1.0 Jetty License Jetty HTTP Servlet Server, see
ejb.jar from jBoss 2.2.2 LGPL EJB 1.1 , copied from the JBoss distribution.

This library is required to compile Tapestry and to compile and run the demos and tutorials.

jakarta-oro-2.0.6.jar 2.0.6 Apache Software License, Version 1.1 Regular expression library
javax.servlet.jar 2.3 Apache Software License, Version 1.1 Servlet API 2.3 reference implementation, distributed with Jetty
javax.xml.jaxp.jar 1.1 Sun Binary Code License Java API for XML Processing , distributed with Jetty
jcommon-0.6.4jar 0.6.4 LGPL Part of JFreeChart, used in the Workbench tutorial.
jfreechart-0.9.2.jar 0.9.2 LGPL Part of JFreeChart, used in the Workbench tutorial.
log4j-1.2.6.jar 1.2.6 Apache Software License, Version 1.1 Logging Toolkit, logging toolkit used by Tapestry framework classes. More information at the log4j home page.
mckoidb.jar 0.92 beta GPL McKoi SQL Database, Java SQL Database used for the Virtual Library demonstration.
ognl-2.1.4-opt.jar 2.1.4 BSD? Object Graph Navigation Library.
org.apache.crimson.jar 1.1 Sun Binary Code License Sun XML Parser, Distributed with Jetty


Tapestry is an open source project, hosted on the SourceForge and licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License.

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