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Action Link
Creates an <a> hyperlink in the HTML response. If the link is triggered, then the Action retrieves its listener, and invokes actionTriggered() on it.

See the Developers Guide ActionLink and DirectLink listeners for a more complete description.

See Also
DirectLink, GenericLink, PageLink, ServiceLink
Name Type Direction Required Default Description
listener IActionListener in yes   Specifies an object that is notified when the link is clicked, which is typically a listener method of its container (for example, listeners.method).
disabled boolean in no false Controls whether the link is produced. If disabled, the portion of the template the link surrounds is still rendered, but not the link itself.
stateful boolean in no true If true (the default), then the component requires an active (i.e., non-new) HttpSession when triggered. Failing that, it throws a StaleLinkException. If false, then no check is necessary. The latter works well with links that encode all necessary state inside the URL itself.
scheme String in no   If specified, then a longer URL (including scheme, server and possibly port) is generated using the specified scheme. Server is determined fromt he incoming request, and port is deterimined from the port paramter or the incoming request.
port int in no   If specified, then a longer URL (including scheme, server and port) is generated using the specified port. The server is determined from the incoming request, the scheme from the scheme paramter or the incoming request.
anchor String in no   The name of an anchor or element to link to. The final URL will have '#' and the anchor appended to it.

Body: rendered
Informal parameters: allowed
Reserved parameters: "href"


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