[Tapestry Logo] Tapestry

Release 2.2-alpha-1

Update to Jetty 4.0.4.
[ 576523 ] Better syntax for Script documents
[ 562964 ] Non-unique app name problems
[ 578869 ] InsertComponent/DateField, null values
[ 578921 ] Error in listener map error message
[ 579131 ] Load order problem with string-binding
[ 579642 ] Rename Direct context param
[ 579689 ] Hidden should convert values
[ 579141 ] IOExceptions related to exception page

Release 2.1-beta-2

Note the change in Tapestry release naming, described in detail in the Tapestry Contributor's Guide.
[ 574792 ] localized strings don't work
[ 573860 ] Shell component hardcodes DTD
[ 573858 ] No way to remove PageDetachListener
[ 573753 ] client TCP reset causes SocketException
[ 573653 ] broken assets
[ 574181 ] ValidationDelegate should eval form name
[ 575228 ] Validation messages not localized

Release 2.0.5

Updated Tapestry to automatically configure the demo for JBoss 3.0.0 (this includes a switch to the JDK 1.3 compiler, for compatibility with the JBoss libraries).

Cleaned up the look of the default exception page. Reorganized the home page, to link to the new Tapestry Wiki, and to move more static content onto SourceForge.

[ 563552 ] IllegalStateException not beeing caught
[ 559647 ] Switch to JBoss 3.0.0
[ 566158 ] ValidField NPE if no delegate
[ 566943 ] Submit problem with tag type
[ 566000 ] Add field to Spec classed to record DTD

Release 2.0.4

Significant improvements to localization support, including support for localized properties files for each component, the <string-binding> element for accessing localized strings, and a new form of markup in the template to access localized strings.
[ 556766 ] Improve localization support
[ 560256 ] Make some property bindings invariant
[ 560255 ] ListEdit: doesn't render element
[ 559575 ] Component Frame cannot render
[ 558165 ] TextField value attribute not required
[ 560506 ] Cannot disable Checkbox component
[ 560217 ] Upload problems depending on browser
[ 550279 ] Define serialVersionUID for classes

Release 2.0.3

Renamed Java packages from com.primix.tapestry.* to net.sf.tapestry.*, along with some significant other reorganizations, especially to the way component parameters are handled.

Added an initial Contributor's Guide for Developers wishing to contribute code to the Tapestry project.

[ 549479 ] Rename packages to net.sf.tapestry
[ 550280 ] Remove IDirectListener
[ 555165 ] Simplify setupLogging()
[ 553310 ] Set properties from parameter bindings
[ 552851 ] Add frame component
[ 549312 ] Delete support for old specifications
[ 556359 ] Inspector doesn't raise at javanuke
[ 555167 ] Maintain JDK 1.2.2 compatibility

Release 2.0.2a

[ 549482 ] NPE in RequestCycle.observeChange()

Release 2.0.2

Changed the inspector icon into an animated GIF for compatiblility with more browsers.

Created the new GenericLink component, which allows links to arbitrary URLs (including JavaScript event handlers), but is still an IServiceLink which means it can wrap Rollover components.

[ 463649 ] NN6 & ShowInspector
[ 544394 ] Release notes / deleted methods
[ 548183 ] Component specification of Option error
[ 548188 ] Component Option implementation error
[ 549144 ] tutorial load-on-startup and WL issue
[ 549142 ] WL issue with default tapestry jar name
[ 549314 ] Spec parse error
[ 521456 ] Allow IRequestCycle.discardPage() from listeners

Release 2.0.1

Removed a lot of deprecated code.
[ 536289 ] remove Jetty dependencies
[ 537398 ] Fix synch/double check bugs
[ 537426 ] Remove object pooling
[ 539600 ] java-class should be java-type in docs
[ 494221 ] Add PDF (or printable) documentation

Release 2.0.0

Added the Quotes page to this website. Added two new tabs to the Workbench, demonstrating redirects and exception reporting. Marked a number of methods (related to object pooling) as deprecated.

Minor formatting changes to the web site and Virtual Library.

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©2000-2002 Howard Lewis Ship. All rights reserved.