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Release 1.0.5

Added a mechanism to clear out pooled objects when they haven't been used for some time. The interface ICleanup has the details.

Made a number of other efficiency improvements. Particularily, the page loader now weeds out informal parameters that can't be used (because they conflict with formal parameter names, or because the component owns the attributes), preventing them from being added as component bindings. The old method was to weed out the unwanted parameters on every render, which was more expensive.

Improved the NumericField component to deal with null values in an intelligent manner.

It is now possible to set properties of helper beans.

The full distribution now bundles Jetty 3.1RC9 and the Virtual Library is now compatible with JBoss 2.4.0.

Release 1.0.4

Release 1.0.4 debuted the finished Tapestry Home and Virtual Library.

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