Setting up the Tutorial</> <para> This document expects that you will have extracted the full Tapestry distribution to your <filename class=directory>C:</> drive <footnote> <para> If you are using Solaris or another non-Windows operating system, you're expected to be savvy enough to translate to a sensibly constructed file system. </> </> </> <para> This will have created a directory <filename class=directory>C:\Tapestry-<replaceable>x.x.x</></> and, beneath it, several more directories. <footnote> <para> The three numbers are the release number. At the time of this writing, the release was 1.0.1, but this is constantly changing. Simply adjust the actual pathname to reflect the release of Tapestry you downloaded. </> </> </> <para> The Tapestry Tutorial will be in <filename class=directory> C:\Tapestry-<replaceable>x.x.x</>\examples\Tutorial</>. </> <section id="setup.jbe"> <title>Java Build Environment</> <para> In order to execute the tutorial, you must set up the Java Build Environment (JBE), which is also distributed with Tapestry, along with <ulink url="../JBE/JBE.html">complete documentation on setting up the JBE</ulink>. </> <para> The JBE is a set of GNU makefiles for building, packaging and executing Java applications. The JBE is required, since it is used to compile the tutorial as well as execute it. </> </section> <section id=""> <title>Building the Tutorial</> <para> Building the Tutorial is quite easy (once the JBE is set up). </> <para> Change to the Tutorial directory, <filename class=directory>C:\Tapestry-<replaceable>x.x.x</>\examples\Tutorial</>. </> <para> Execute the command <command>make war</>, which will build the <filename>Tutorial.war</> file start to finish (compiling classes, copying resources and building the final archive). When its done, you can start up the Jetty server just as easily with the <command>make run</> command. </> <para> Once Jetty is running, you can access the Tutorials using the URL <ulink url="http://localhost:8080/tutorial"><filename>http://localhost:8080/tutorial</></ulink>. </> <figure> <title>Tutorial Index Page</> <mediaobject> <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="images/tutorial-index.jpg" format="jpg"> </imageobject> </> </figure> </section> </chapter>