Hello World</> <para> In this first example, we'll create a very simple "Hello World" kind of application. It won't have any real functionality but it'll demonstrate the simplest possible variation of a number of key aspects of the framework. </> <para> We'll define our application, define the lone page of our application, configure everything and launch it. </> <para> The code for this section of the tutorial is in the Java package <classname>tutorial.hello</>, i.e., <filename class=directory>C:\Tapestry-<replaceable>x.x.x</>\examples\Tutorial\src\tutorial\hello</>. </> <section id="hello.engine"> <title>Application Engine</> <para> As each new client connects to the application, an instance of the application engine is created for them. The application engine is used to track that client's activity within the application. </> <para> The application engine is an instance, or subclass of, the Tapestry class <classname>com.primix.tapestry.engine.SimpleEngine</>. </> <para> In these first few examples, we have no additional behavior to add to the provided base class, so we simply use <classname>SimpleEngine</> directly. </> </section> <section id="hello.servlet"> <title>Application Servlet</> <para> The application servlet is a "bridge" between the servlet container and the application engine. Its job is simply to create (on the first request) or locate (on subsequent requests) the application engine. </> <para> The application servlet must subclass <classname>com.primix.tapestry.ApplicationServlet</> and implement the method: <function>getApplicationSpecificationPath()</>. This method provides the path to the application specification file; the servlet reads this file when it is initialized. </> <figure> <title>HelloWorldServlet.java <programlisting> package tutorial.hello; import com.primix.tapestry.*; public class HelloWorldServlet extends ApplicationServlet { protected String getApplicationSpecificationPath() { return "/tutorial/hello/HelloWorld.application"; } } </programlisting></figure> </section> <section id="hello.appspec"> <title>Application Specification</> <para> The application specification is used to describe the application to the Tapestry framework. It provides the application with a name, an engine class, and a list of pages. </> <para> This specification is a file that is located on the Java class path. In a deployed Tapestry application, the specification lives with the application's class files, in the <filename class=directory>WEB-INF/classes</> directory of a War file. </> <figure> <title>HelloWorld.application</> <programlisting> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <![CDATA[<!DOCTYPE application PUBLIC "-//Howard Ship//Tapestry Specification 1.1//EN" "http://tapestry.sf.net/dtd/Tapestry_1_1.dtd"> <application name="Hello World Tutorial" engine-class="com.primix.tapestry.engine.SimpleEngine"> <page name="Home" specification-path="/tutorial/hello/Home.jwc"/> </application>]]> </programlisting> </figure> <para> Our application is very simple; we give the application a name, use the standard engine, and define a single page, named "Home". In Tapestry, pages and components are specified with the path to their specification file (a file that end with '.jwc'). </> <para> Page "Home" has a special meaning to Tapestry: when you first launch a Tapestry application, it loads and displays the "Home" page. All Tapestry applications are required to have such a home page. </> </section> <section id="hello.home-page-spec"> <title>Home Page Specification</> <para> The page specification defines the Tapestry component responsible for the page. In this first example, our component is very simple. </> <figure> <title>Home.jwc</> <programlisting> <![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE specification PUBLIC "-//Howard Ship//Tapestry Specification 1.1//EN" "http://tapestry.sf.net/dtd/Tapestry_1_1.dtd"> <specification class="com.primix.tapestry.BasePage"/> ]]> </programlisting> </figure> <para> This simply says that <classname>Home</> is a kind of page. We use the supplied Tapestry class <classname>com.primix.tapestry.BasePage</> since we aren't adding any behavior to the page. </> </section> <section id="hello.home-page-template"> <title>Home Page Template</> <para> Finally, we get to the content of our application. This file is also a Java resource; it isn't directly visible to the web server. It has the same location and name as the component specification, except that it ends in "html". </> <figure> <title>Home.html</> <programlisting> <![CDATA[<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>Hello World Welcome to your first Tapestry Application. ]]>
Run the Application</> <para> You should already be running the Jetty server in a window, and have a browser running the tutorials page. Select the first option, Hello World, from the list. You will be presented with the first (and only) page generated by Tapestry for this application: </> <figure> <title>Hello World Application</> <mediaobject> <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="images/hello-world.jpg" format="jpg"> </imageobject> </> </figure> <para> Not much of an application ... there's no interactivity. It might as well be a static web page, but it's a start. Remember, there was no JavaServer page here, and no HTML directly visible to the web server. There was an application consisting of a single component. </> <para> In the following chapters, we'll see how to add dynamic content and then true interactivity. </> </section> </chapter>