Tapestry Run Time Errors</> <para> 0ne of the benefits to developing using Tapestry is its robust exception handling support. We'll demonstrate these by creating invalid URLs. </> <section id="errors.stale-session"> <title>Stale Sessions</> <para> As we just demonstrated, Tapestry is quite careful about conversational state. What happens if all the conversation state is lost? </> <para> Start up adder application then enter a few numbers. Go back to the window executing Jetty and stop it, then restart it. </> <para> Now, try to add an additional number to the list. </> <figure> <title>Session Timeout Page</> <mediaobject> <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="images/timeout.jpg" format="jpg"> </imageobject> </> </figure> <para> Because Tapestry can't find any information about your session, it assumes the session timed out and was discarded, and so presents the default error page for this situation. </> <para> Remember that most Tapestry URLs are very conversational, they only make sense as the most recent request in a series of requests exchanged between the client and the server. </> <para> This means that many pages in a Tapestry application can't be bookmarked; the URL that would be stored in the client's web browser is not meaningful. Creating bookmarkable pages is a subject of a later tutorial. </> </section> <section id="errors.exception-handling"> <title>Exception Handling</> <para> Tapestry handles exceptions that are thrown during the processing of any request. Exceptions are caught when they occur and result in the generation of a page with all the details. Of course, in your own application, such exceptions will never occur, or will be caught and handled by your own code. </> <para> Still, it's nice that Tapestry can assist when debugging during development, when uncaught exceptions may in fact be thrown. </> <para> To demonstrate what Tapestry does for exceptions, we need to do a little bit of sneaky work. </> <para> First, start up the adder application and enter a few numbers: </> <figure> <title>Adder application before error</> <mediaobject> <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="images/adder-error-before.jpg" format="jpg"> </imageobject> </> </figure> <para> Now, edit the URL in the Address field, and change the word "action" to "acion" (i.e, remove the letter 't') and hit return. </> <figure> <title>Error in Adder application</> <mediaobject> <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="images/adder-error-after.jpg" format="jpg"> </imageobject> </> </figure> <para> Tapestry has discovered that the URL was invalid ... in this case that the word "action" was changed to "acion". Since Tapestry normally produces all the URLs it must later interpret, it doesn't make an effort to pretty this up (as it does with stale links and sessions), instead it throws an exception which is caught and displayed. </> <para> As you may notice, the exception report is extremely complex. Tapestry displays all the information it can about the exception that was thrown ... it can even break apart nested exceptions and dig down to the deepest one. It shows the stack trace where the deepest exception was thrown. It also provides information about the <classname>HttpRequest</>, &HttpSession;, <classname>ServletContext</> and Java VM. </> <para> Finally, it includes a link that will restart the application from scratch, invaliding the current &HttpSession; and creating a new one as necessary. </> </section> </chapter>