Complex Forms and Output</> <para> Tapestry includes a number of components designed to simplify interactions with the client, especially when handling forms. </> <para> In this chapter, we'll build a survey-taking application that collects information from the user, stores it in an in-memory database, and produces tabular results summarizing what has been entered. </> <para> We'll see how to validate input from the client, how to create radio groups and pop-up selections and how to organize information for display. </> <para> The application has three main screens; the first is a home page: </> <figure> <title>Surver Home Page</> <mediaobject> <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="images/survey-home.jpg" format="jpg"> </imageobject> </> </figure> <para> The second page is for entering survey data: </> <figure> <title>Survey Data Page</> <mediaobject> <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="images/survey-form.jpg" format="jpg"> </imageobject> </> </figure> <para> The last page is used to present results collected from many surveys: </> <figure> <title>Survey Results Page</> <mediaobject> <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="images/survey-results.jpg" format="jpg"> </imageobject> </> </figure> <para> In addition, we are re-using the <classname>Border</> component from the previous chapter. </> <para> The application does not use an actual database; the survey information is stored in memory (the amount of work to set up a JDBC database is beyond the scope of this tutorial). </> <para> The source code for this chapter is in the <filename>tutorial.survey</> package. </> <section id="forms.survey"> <title>Survey</> <para> At the root of this application is an object that represents a survey taken by a user. We want to collect the name (which is optional), the sex and the race, the age and lastly, which pets the survey taker prefers. </> <figure> <title></> <programlisting><![CDATA[package tutorial.survey; import java.util.*; import com.primix.tapestry.*; import*; public class Survey implements Serializable, Cloneable { private Object primaryKey; private String name; private int age = 0; private Sex sex = Sex.MALE; private Race race = Race.CAUCASIAN; private boolean likesDogs = true; private boolean likesCats; private boolean likesFerrits; private boolean likesTurnips; public Object getPrimaryKey() { return primaryKey; } public void setPrimaryKey(Object value) { primaryKey = value; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String value) { name = value; } public int getAge() { return age; } public void setAge(int value) { age = value; } public void setSex(Sex value) { sex = value; } public Sex getSex() { return sex; } public void setRace(Race value) { race = value; } public Race getRace() { return race; } public boolean getLikesCats() { return likesCats; } public void setLikesCats(boolean value) { likesCats = value; } public boolean getLikesDogs() { return likesDogs; } public void setLikesDogs(boolean value) { likesDogs = value; } public boolean getLikesFerrits() { return likesFerrits; } public void setLikesFerrits(boolean value) { likesFerrits = value; } public boolean getLikesTurnips() { return likesTurnips; } public void setLikesTurnips(boolean value) { likesTurnips = value; } /** * Validates that the survey is acceptible; throws an {@link IllegalArgumentException} * if not valid. * */ public void validate() throws IllegalArgumentException { if (race == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Race must be specified."); if (sex == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Sex must be specified."); if (age < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Age must be at least one."); } public Object clone() { try { return super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { return null; } } }]]></programlisting></figure> <para> The <varname>race</> and <varname>sex</> properties are defined in terms of the <classname>Race</> and <classname>Sex</> classes, which are derived from <classname></>. <classname>Enum</> classes act like C enum types; a specific number of pre-defined values are declared by the class (as static final constants of the class). </> <figure> <title></> <programlisting><![CDATA[package tutorial.survey; import; /** * An enumeration of different races. * */ public class Race extends Enum { public static final Race CAUCASIAN = new Race("CAUCASIAN"); public static final Race AFRICAN = new Race("AFRICAN"); public static final Race ASIAN = new Race("ASIAN"); public static final Race INUIT = new Race("INUIT"); public static final Race MARTIAN = new Race("MARTIAN"); private Race(String enumerationId) { super(enumerationId); } private Object readResolve() { return getSingleton(); } }]]></programlisting></figure> <para> This is better than using <classname>String</> or <classname>int</> constants because of type safety; the Java compiler will notice if you pass <classname>Race.INUIT</> as a parameter that expects an instance of <classname>Sex </>... if they were both encoded as numbers, the compiler wouldn't know that there was a programming error. </> </section> <section id="forms.surveydatabase"> <title>SurveyDatabase</> <para> The <classname>SurveyDatabase</> class is a mockup of a database for storing <classname>Survey</>s, it has methods such as <function>addSurvey()</> and <function>getAllSurveys()</>. To emulate a database, it even allocates primary keys for surveys. Additionally, when surveys are added to the database, they are copied and when surveys are retrieved from the database, they are copied (that is, modifying a <classname>Survey</> instance after adding it to, or retrieving it from, the database doesn't affect the persistently stored <classname>Surveys</> within the database ... just as if they were in external storage). </> </section> <section id="forms.surveyengine"> <title>SurveyEngine</> <para> The database is accessed via the <classname>SurveyEngine</> object. </> <figure> <title> (excerpt)</> <programlisting<![CDATA[private transient SurveyDatabase database; public SurveyDatabase getDatabase() { return database; } protected void setupForRequest(RequestContext context) { super.setupForRequest(context); if (database == null) { String name = "Survey.database"; ServletContext servletContext; servletContext = context.getServlet().getServletContext(); database = (SurveyDatabase)servletContext.getAttribute(name); if (database == null) { database = new SurveyDatabase(); servletContext.setAttribute(name, database); } } }]]></programlisting></figure> <para> The <classname>SurveyDatabase</> instance is stored as a named attribute of the <classname>ServletContext</>, a shared space available to all sessions. </> </section> <section id="forms.surveypage"> <title>SurveyPage</> <para> The <classname>SurveyPage</> is where survey information is collected. It initially creates a <classname>Survey</> instance as a persistent page property. It uses a <classname>Form</> component and a number of other components to edit the survey. </> <para> When the survey is complete and valid, it is added to the database and the results page is used as an acknowledgment. </> <para> The SurveyPage also demonstrates how to validate data from a TextField component<footnote> <para> Since this tutorial was written, a suite of more powerful components for validating input have been added to the Tapestry framework. </> </>, and how to display validation errors. If invalid data is enterred, then the user is notified (after submitting the form): </> <figure> <title>Surver Form (w/ error)</> <mediaobject> <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="images/survey-form-error.jpg" format="jpg"> </imageobject> </> </figure> <para> The HTML template for the page is relatively short. All the interesting stuff comes later, in the specification and the Java class. </> <figure> <title>SurveyPage.html</> <programlisting><![CDATA[<jwc id="border"> <jwc id="ifError"> <table border=1> <tr> <td bgcolor=red> <font style=bold color=white> <jwc id="insertError"/> </font> </tr> </tr> </table> </jwc> <jwc id="surveyForm"> <table border=0> <tr valign=top> <th>Name</th> <td colspan=3><jwc id="inputName"/></td></tr> <tr valign=top> <th>Age</th> <td colspan=3><jwc id="inputAge"/></td></tr> <tr valign=top> <th>Sex</th> <td> <jwc id="inputSex"/> </td> <th>Race</th> <td><jwc id="inputRace"/> </td> </tr> <tr valign=top> <th>Favorite Pets</th> <td colspan=3> <jwc id="inputCats"/> Cats <br><jwc id="inputDogs"/> Dogs <br><jwc id="inputFerrits"/> Ferrits <br><jwc id="inputTurnips"/> Turnips</td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td colspan=3><input type=submit value="Submit"></td> </tr> </table> </jwc> </jwc>]]></programlisting></figure> <para> Most of this page is wrapped by the <varname>surveyForm</> component which is of type <classname>Form</>. The form contains two text fields (<varname>nameField</> and <varname>ageField</>), a group of radio buttons (<varname>ageSelect</>) a pop- up list (<varname>raceSelect</>), and a number of check boxes (<varname>inputCats</>, <varname>inputDogs</>, <varname>inputFerrits</> and <varname>inputTurnips</>). </> <para> Most of these components are pretty straight forward: <varname>nameField</> and <varname>ageField</> are setting <classname>String</> properties, and the check boxes are setting boolean properties. The two other components, <varname>raceSelect</> and <varname>ageSelect</>, are more interesting. </> <para> Both of these are of type <classname>PropertySelection</>; they are used for setting a specific property of some object to one of a number of possible values. </> <para> The <classname>PropertySelection</> component has some difficult tasks: It must know what the possible values are (including the correct order). It must also know how to display the values (that is, what labels to use on the radio buttons or in the pop up). These will often not be the same value; for instance, in a database-driven application, the values may be primary keys and the labels may be attributes of database objects. </> <para> This information is provided by a model (an object that implements the interface <classname>com.primix.tapestry.components.html.form.IPropertySelectionModel)</>, an object that exists just to provide this information to a <classname>PropertySelection</> component. </> <para> There's a secondary question with <classname>PropertySelection</>: how the component is rendered. By default, it creates a pop-up list, but this can be changed by providing an alternate renderer (using the component's renderer parameter). A rendered is an object that generates HTML from the component and its model. In our case, we used a secondary, radio-button renderer. </> <para> Applications can also create their own renderers, if they need to do something special with fonts, styles or images. </> <para> All of these concepts come together in the SurveyPage specification: </> <figure> <title>SurveyPage.jwc</> <programlisting><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE specification PUBLIC "-//Primix Solutions//Tapestry Specification 1.0//EN" ""> <specification> <class>tutorial.survey.SurveyPage</class> <components> <component> <id>border</id> <type>Border</type> <bindings> <static-binding> <name>title</name> <value>Survey</value> </static-binding> <binding> <name>pages</name> <property- path>application.pageNames</property-path> </binding> </bindings> </component> <component> <id>ifError</id> <type>Conditional</type> <bindings> <binding> <name>condition</name> <property-path>error</property-path> </binding> </bindings> </component> <component> <id>insertError</id> <type>Insert</type> <bindings> <binding> <name>value</name> <property-path>error</property-path> </binding> </bindings> </component> <component> <id>surveyForm</id> <type>Form</type> <bindings> <binding> <name>listener</name> <property-path>formListener</property-path> </binding> </bindings> </component> <component> <id>inputName</id> <type>TextField</type> <bindings> <static-binding> <name>displayWidth</name> <value>30</value> </static-binding> <static-binding> <name>maximumWidth</name> <value>100</value> </static-binding> <binding> <name>text</name> <property-path></property-path> </binding> </bindings> </component> <component> <id>inputAge</id> <type>TextField</type> <bindings> <static-binding> <name>displayWidth</name> <value>4</value> </static-binding> <static-binding> <name>maximumWidth</name> <value>4</value> </static-binding> <binding> <name>text</name> <property-path>age</property-path> </binding> </bindings> </component> <component> <id>inputSex</id> <type>PropertySelection</type> <bindings> <binding> <name>value</name> <property-path></property-path> </binding> <binding> <name>model</name> <property-path>sexModel</property-path> </binding> <binding> <name>renderer</name> <property- path>components.inputSex.defaultRadioRenderer</property-path> </binding> </bindings> </component> <component> <id>inputRace</id> <type>PropertySelection</type> <bindings> <binding> <name>value</name> <property-path>survey.race</property-path> </binding> <binding> <name>model</name> <property-path>raceModel</property-path> </binding> </bindings> </component> <component> <id>inputCats</id> <type>Checkbox</type> <bindings> <binding> <name>selected</name> <property-path>survey.likesCats</property- path> </binding> </bindings> </component> <component> <id>inputDogs</id> <type>Checkbox</type> <bindings> <binding> <name>selected</name> <property-path>survey.likesDogs</property- path> </binding> </bindings> </component> <component> <id>inputFerrits</id> <type>Checkbox</type> <bindings> <binding> <name>selected</name> <property- path>survey.likesFerrits</property-path> </binding> </bindings> </component> <component> <id>inputTurnips</id> <type>Checkbox</type> <bindings> <binding> <name>selected</name> <property- path>survey.likesTurnips</property-path> </binding> </bindings> </component> </components> </specification>]]></programlisting></figure> <para> Several of the components, such as <varname>inputName</> and <varname>inputTurnips</>, modify properties of the <classname>Survey</> directly. The <classname>SurveyPage</> class has a <varname>survey</> property, which allows for property paths like <varname></> and <varname>survey.likesTurnips</>. </> <para> The <varname>age</> field is more complicated, since it must be converted from a <classname>String</> to an int before being assigned to the survey's <varname>age</> property ... and the page must check that the user enterred a valid number as well. </> <para> Finally, the <classname>SurveyPage</> class shows how all the details fit together: </> <figure> <title></> <programlisting><![CDATA[package tutorial.survey; import com.primix.tapestry.*; import com.primix.tapestry.components.html.form.*; import java.util.*; public class SurveyPage extends BasePage { private Survey survey; private String error; private String age; private IPropertySelectionModel sexModel; private IPropertySelectionModel raceModel; public IPropertySelectionModel getRaceModel() { if (raceModel == null) raceModel = new EnumPropertySelectionModel( new Race[] { Race.CAUCASIAN, Race.AFRICAN, Race.ASIAN, Race.INUIT, Race.MARTIAN }, getBundle("tutorial.survey.SurveyStrings"), "Race"); return raceModel; } public IPropertySelectionModel getSexModel() { if (sexModel == null) sexModel = new EnumPropertySelectionModel( new Sex[] { Sex.MALE, Sex.FEMALE, Sex.TRANSGENDER, Sex.ASEXUAL }, getBundle("tutorial.survey.SurveyStrings"), "Sex"); return sexModel; } private ResourceBundle getBundle(String resourceName) { return ResourceBundle.getBundle(resourceName, getLocale()); } public IActionListener getFormListener() { return new IActionListener() { public void actionTriggered(IComponent component, IRequestCycle cycle) { try { survey.setAge(Integer.parseInt(age)); survey.validate(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // NumberFormatException doesn't provide any useful data setError("Value entered for age is not a number."); return; } catch (Exception e) { setError(e.getMessage()); return; } // Survey is OK, add it to the database. ((SurveyApplication)getApplication()).getDatabase().addSurvey(survey ); setSurvey(null); // Jump to the results page to show the totals. cycle.setPage("Results"); } }; } public Survey getSurvey() { if (survey == null) setSurvey(new Survey()); return survey; } public void setSurvey(Survey value) { survey = value; fireObservedChange("survey", survey); } public void detach() { super.detach(); survey = null; error = null; age = null; // We keep the models, since they are stateless } public void setError(String value) { error = value; } public String getError() { return error; } public String getAge() { int ageValue; if (age == null) { ageValue = getSurvey().getAge(); if (ageValue == 0) age = ""; else age = Integer.toString(ageValue); } return age; } public void setAge(String value) { age = value; } }]]></programlisting></figure> <para> A few notes. First, the <varname>raceModel</> and <varname>sexModel</> properties are created on-the-fly as needed. The <classname>EnumPropertySelectionModel</> is a provided class that simplifies using a <classname>PropertySelection</> component to set an Enum-typed property. We provide the list of possible values, and the information needed to extract the corresponding labels from a properties file. </> <para> Only <varname>survey</> is a persistent page property. The <varname>error</> property is transient (it is set to null at the end of the request cycle). The <varname>error</> property doesn't need to be persistent ... it is generated during a request cycle and is not used on a subsequent request cycle (because the survey will be re- validated). </> <para> Likewise, the <varname>age</> property isn't page persistent. If an invalid value is submitted, then its value will come up from the <classname>HttpServletRequest</> parameter and be plugged into the <varname>age</> property of the page. If validation of the survey fails, then the <classname>SurveyPage</> will be used to render the HTML response, and the invalid age value will still be there. </> <para> In the <function>detach()</> method, the <varname>survey</>, <varname>error</> and <varname>age</> properties are properly cleared. The <varname>raceModel</> and <varname>ageModel</> properties are not ... they are stateless and leaving them in place saves the trouble of creating identical objects later. </section> </chapter>