Application Engines and Services</> <para> The application engine is a central object whose responsibility is to run the request cycle for each request. To do this, it manages resources such as page loaders and page recorders and provides services to the pages and components utilized during the request cycle. </> <para> Application engines are instantiated by the application's servlet (described in the next section). They are stored into the <classname>HttpSession</> and are persistent between request cycles. </> <para> An important behavior of the engine is to provide named engine services, which are used to create and respond to URLs. The application engine creates and manages the request cycle and provides robust default behavior for catching and reporting exceptions. </> <para> The application engine provides the page recorder objects used by the request cycle. By doing so, it sets the persistence strategy for the application as a whole. For example, applications which use or subclass <classname>com.primix.tapestry.engine.SimpleEngine</> will use the simple method of storing persistent state: in memory. Such applications may still be distributed, since the page recorders will be serialized with the application engine (which is stored within the <classname>HttpSession</>). </> <section id="engine.servlet"> <title>Application Servlet</> <para> Every Tapestry application has a single servlet, which acts as a bridge between the servlet container and the application engine. The application servlet is a subclass of <classname>com.primix.tapestry.ApplicationServlet</>. </> <para> The subclass provides the framework with the path to the application specification by implementing the method <function>getApplicationSpecificationPath()</>. </> <para> The servlet may also perform some static initialization for the application in its <function>init()</> method. This includes tasks such as loading JDBC drivers. </> </section> <section id="engine.req-pages"> <title>Required Pages</> <para> Each application is required to have a minimum of five pages with specific names. Tapestry provides default implementations for four of the five, but a full-featured Tapestry application may override any of the others to provide a consistent look-and-feel. </> <segmentedlist> <title>Tapestry Pages</> <segtitle>Page Name</> <segtitle>Required</> <segtitle>Description</> <seglistitem> <seg>Exception</> <seg>Default provided, may be changed.</> <seg>Page used to present uncaught exceptions to the user.</> </> <seglistitem> <seg>Home</> <seg>Must be provided by developer.</> <seg>The initial page displayed when the application is started.</> </> <seglistitem> <seg>Inspector</> <seg>Provided, never overriden.</> <seg>Inspector that allows the Tapestry application to be interrogated on its structure.</> </> <seglistitem> <seg>StaleSession</> <seg>Default provided, may be changed.</> <seg>Page used to announce that the session is invalid.</> </> <seglistitem> <seg>StateLink</> <seg>Default provided, may be changed.</> <seg>Page used to announce that an stale link (see below) was triggered.</> </> </> <para> Tapestry only mandates the logical name of these four pages; the actual page component used is defined in the application specification. </> <para> The <classname>Home</> page is the first page viewed by a client connecting to the application. Other than that, there is nothing special about the page. </> <para> The initial connection to the application, where nothing is specified in the URL but the path to the servlet, causes the home service to be invoked, which makes use of the home page. The restart service will also redirect the user to the home page. </> <para> No default is provided for the <classname>Home</> page; every Tapestry application must define its own <classname>Home</> page. </> <para> The Exception page is invoked whenever an uncaught exception is thrown when processing a service. </> <para> The Tapestry framework catches the exception and discards any HTML output (this is why output is buffered in memory). </> <para> The <classname>Exception</> page must implement a writable JavaBeans property of type <classname>java.lang.Throwable</> named <varname>exception</>. The framework will invoke the accessor method before the page is rendered. </> <para> The class <classname></> and the <classname>ExceptionDisplay</> component are typically used to present this information. </> <para> The StaleLink page is displayed when a <classname>com.primix.tapestry.StaleLinkException</> is thrown, which may occur during the processing of the request. The exception is thrown when Tapestry determines that the state of the page (on the server) is out of synch with the client's view of the page ... this most often happens when the user makes use of the browser's back button.</> <para> The default implementation informs the user of the problem ("you really shouldn't use the back button on your browser") and uses the home service to create a link back to the <classname>Home</> page. </> <para> The <classname>StaleSession</> page is displayed when a <classname>com.primix.tapestry.StaleSessionException</> is thrown. This exception is thrown from the action and direct services if the <classname>HttpSession</> is newly created - this indicates a fresh connection to the servlet container after the old session timed out and was discarded. </> <para> Note that the home, restart and page services do not check for a newly created session. </> <para> The <classname>Inspector</> page is provided by the framework; it allows a developer to interrogate a running Tapestry application to determine its structure. </> </section> <section id="engine.state"> <title>Server-Side State</> <para> There are two types of server side state that are supported by Tapestry: persistent page properties and the visit object. The first (page properties) have already been discussed. </> <para> The visit object is a central repository for application state and presentation logic. The visit object is accessible through the application engine (the engine implements a <varname>visit</> property). The application engine doesn't care about the class of the visit object, or what properties it implements. </> <para> The visit object holds central information that is needed by many pages. For example, an e- commerce application may store the shopping cart as a property of the visit object. </> <para> When using Enterprise JavaBeans, the visit object is a good place to store remote object references (centralizing the logic to look up home interfaces, instantiate references, etc.). </> <para> Every page implements a <varname>visit</> property that allows access to the visit object. </> <para> When using the <classname>com.primix.tapestry.engine.SimpleEngine engine</>, the visit object is created the first time it is referenced. The class of the visit object is stored in the application specification. </> </section> <section id=""> <title>Engine Services</> <para> Engine services provide the structure for building a web application from individual pages and components. </> <para> Each engine service has a unique name. Well known names exist for the basic services (page, action, direct, etc., described in a later section). </> <para> Engine services are responsible for creating URLs (which are inserted into the response HTML) and for later responding to those same URLs. This keeps the meaning of URLs localized. In a typical servlet or JSP application, code in one place creates the URL for some servlet to interpret. The servlet is in a completely different section of code. In situations where the servlet's behavior is extended, it may be necessary to change the structure of the URL the servlet processes ... and this requires finding every location such a URL is constructed and fixing it. This is the kind of inflexible, ad-hoc, buggy solution Tapestry is designed to eliminate. </> <para> Most services have a relationship to a particular component. The basic services (action, direct, page) each have a corresponding component (<classname>Action</>, <classname>Direct</>, <classname>Page</>). The following example shows how the <classname>Page</> component is used to create a link between application pages. </> <para> First, an extract from the page's HTML template: </> &start-listing;Click &start-jwc; id="login"&end-jwc;here&close-jwc; to login.&end-listing; <para> This is combined with the a <sgmltag class=starttag>component</> declaration in the the page's specification: </> &start-listing;<![CDATA[ <component> <id>]]><emphasis>login</><![CDATA[</id> <type>Page</type> <bindings> <static-binding> <name>page</name> <value>Login</value> </static-binding> </bindings> </component>]]>&end-listing; <para> The <varname>login</> component will locate the page service, and provide 'Login' (the name of the target page) as a parameter. The page service will build and return an appropriate URL ( <filename>/<replaceable>servlet path</>/page/Login</>), which the <varname>login</> component will incorporate into the <sgmltag class=starttag>a</> hyperlink it generates. </> <para> The resulting HTML: </> &start-listing;Click <a href="/<replaceable>servlet path</>/page/Login">here</a> to login.&end-listing; <para> If the user later clicks that link, the application will invoke the page service to handle the URL; it will extract the page name (Login) and render that page. </> <para> The other services are more or less complicated, but share the same basic trait: the service provides the URL and later responds if the URL is triggered. </> </section> <section id="engine.logging"> <title>Logging</> <para> Tapestry makes use of the Apache group's log4j package to perform logging. This is an easy, fast, powerful framework for adding logging to any Java application. Using log4j, any number of <emphasis>categories</> can be created, and a logging priority for each category assigned. Tapestry uses the complete class name as the category for each class. </> <para> The ApplicationServlet class includes a method, <function>setupLogging()</>, to initialize log4j. The provided implementation is sufficient for testing (see the Javadoc for more information) but serious applications may want to create a more involved logging configuration. </> <para> The Tapestry Inspector includes a Logging tab that allows the logging configuration to be dynamically changed. The logging priority for any category can be assigned, and new categories can be created. </> <para> What this means is that, using the Inspector, it is possible to control exactly what logging output is produced, dynamically, while the application is still running. The Tapestry inspector is easily added to any Tapestry application. More information on the Inspector is provided in a later section. </> </section> <section id="engine.private-assets"> <title>Private Assets</> <para> The application engine is responsible for making private assets, assets that are in the Java classpath, visible when necessary to client web browser. </> <para> This takes two forms: </> <itemizedlist> <listitem> <para>Dynamic download of asset data via the application servlet.</> </> <listitem> <para>Dynamic copying of asset data into the web server's virtual file system. </> </> </> <para> The first form is the default behavior; each private asset requires an additional round trip through the application server and application engine to retrieve the stream of bytes which make up the asset. This is fine during development, but less than ideal at deployment, since it places an extra burden on the servlet container, stealing valuable cycles away from the main aspects of servicing end users. </> <para> The second form is better during deployment. The bytestreams are copied out of the classpath to a specific directory, one that is mapped into the web server's virtual file system. Once it is so copied, the access to the asset is completely static, as with any other image file or HTML page. </> <para> To enable dynamic copying, it is necessary to inform the framework about what file system directory to copy the assets to, and what virtual file system directory that maps to. This is accomplished using a pair of servlet context parameter (which are specified in the WAR deployment descriptor): </> <variablelist> <title>Servlet Context Parameters</> <varlistentry> <term> <varname>com.primix.tapestry.asset.dir</> </> <listitem> <para> The complete pathname of a directory to which private assets may be copied by the asset externalizer. </> </> <varlistentry> <term> <varname>com.primix.tapestry.asset.URL</> </> <listitem> <para> The URL corresponding to the external asset directory. </> </> </> </> </section> <section id="engine.spec"> <title>Application Specification</> <para> The application specification is used to identify the name of the application, the engine class for the application, the details of each page in the application, and to set up aliases for commonly used components within the application. </> <para> The application specification is loaded when the application servlet is initialized. </> <section> <title>Preamble</> <para> The application specification begins with an XML header: </> &start-listing;<![CDATA[ <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE application PUBLIC "-//Primix Solutions//Tapestry Specification 1.0//EN" ""> <application>]]>&end-listing; </section> <section> <title>Application Name</> <para> The name of the application is specified. This name should be unique for all Tapestry applications running within a servlet container. It may contain letters, numbers, periods, spaces, underscores and dashes. </> &start-listing;<![CDATA[<name>]]><replaceable>application name</><![CDATA[</name>]]>&end-listing; </section> <section> <title>Engine Class</> <para> The class name of the engine for the application is specified next: </> &start-listing;<engine-class><replaceable>class name</></engine-class>&end-listing; <para> Most applications will use the engine <classname>com.primix.tapestry.engine.SimpleEngine</>, or a sublcass of <classname>SimpleEngine</> specific to the application. </> </section> <section> <title>Pages</> <para> Each page in the application is now defined, with a logical name: </> &start-listing;<![CDATA[ <page> <name>]]><replaceable>page name</><![CDATA[</name> <specification-path>]]><replaceable>specification path</><![CDATA[</specification-path> </page>]]>&end-listing; <para> This block is repeated for each page in the application. The name of each page must be unique within the application. It may contain letters, numbers, underscores, periods or dashes. </> <para> The specification path is the path of the component specification for the page, a resource within the Java class path. For example <filename class=directory>/com/skunkworx/skunkapp/Home.jwc</>. </> <para> Typically, the name of the page will match the name of the component; the logical name <classname>Home</> will map to <filename class=directory>/com/skunkworx/skunkapp/Home.jwc</> and be implemented by class <classname>com.skunkworx.skunkapp.Home</>. This is not a hard and fast rule, it may make sense to use different names; for example, a multi-page wizard may show the relationship between the pages using a name like <replaceable>WizardName.PageName</>. In other cases, naming conflicts can be eliminated by varying the name of the page's logical name or component. </> </section> <section> <title>Aliases</> <para> Folllowing the pages, aliases for components may be defined: </> &start-listing;<![CDATA[ <component-alias> <alias>]]><replaceable>alias</><![CDATA[</alias> <specification-path>]]><replaceable>specification path</><![CDATA[</specification-path> </component-alias>]]>&end-listing; <para> This is used to create a short, memorable name for a frequently used component. Aliases have the same format as page names. This block is repeated for each component alias. </> <para> Component aliases are mostly freeform (letters, numbers and some punctuation are acceptable). A good guideline is to name the alias, the specification and the Java class the same, that is, the same as the page naming guidelines. </> </section> <section> <title>Properties</> <para> If needed, any application properties may be defined in a <sgmltag class=starttag>properties</> element. </> &start-listing;<![CDATA[<properties> <property> <name>]]><replaceable>name</><![CDATA[</name> <value>]]><replaceable>value</><![CDATA[</value> </property> </properties>]]>&end-listing; <para> Any number of <sgmltag class=starttag>property</> elements may be included within the <sgmltag class=starttag>properties</> element. Each one specifies a name/value pairing (both the name and the value are strings). These properties are used to express additional information about the application that isn't captured in the main DTD. </> <para> The most common use for this is to establish the class name of the visit class. The SimpleEngine uses the property <varname>com.primix.tapestry.visit-class</> for this purpose, the value is the complete class name for the visit object. </> </section> <section> <title>Postamble</> <para> Finally, the specification is completed by closing the application element: &start-listing;</application>&end-listing; </section> </section> </chapter>