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Tapestry Examples: Contents

Directory Description
Tutorial The ever-growing Tapestry Tutorial, which includes documentation and source code.
Vlib The main demonstration for Tapestry: The Primix Virtual Library, a true database driven application. Users register and then enter in information on the books they have ... others can search for books they need, borrow them and track, using the application, where books are.

Uses the VlibBeans EJBs to access the database, which is currently implemented using Cloudscape.

In progress: a parallel implementation of the Virtual Library using JSPs. This will be used for side-by-side performance testing and to have a reasonable comparison of implementation effort between JSPs and Tapestry.

VlibBeans EJBs used to access the Virtual Library database. Implemented for WebLogic 5.1 SP 4 using WebLogic's (pretty darn weak) container managed persistence.

Tapestry is an open source project, hosted on the SourceForge and licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License.